Jay Babee
Jay Babee
Jay Babee is Offline.


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http://data.whicdn.com/images/35805733/original.jpg http://data.whicdn.com/images/35805733/original.jpg
Jay Babee

um ok lol

Deleted User

Hahaha. :)

Deleted User
Dream Writer's World http://www.bookrix.com/_group-en-dream-writer-s-world-1/ This is the Group for my Dream Writer's World, a social media platform where you can post your books or links to your books to promote and market for free, anyone can post their work there, no matter if they have a social media accounts or not. If you have a Facebook account and no one is reading your books, this is where you can post your books and I will post it on the Dream Writer's World...
Jay Babee

Not really

Deleted User

Huh?... that sounded a bit rude, but okay, as you wish.

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Deleted User

Thanks for the acceptance :D

6 Comments | Show Earlier Comments
Deleted User

LOL ...how's that possible ?? i'm not a celebrity.

Deleted User

Hey, that Delete User is me..lol

Deleted User

I for got that we have met before.

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Astrid R

hey, thanks for adding my book to your favorites. *winks*

Jay Babee

It's awesome!! <3

Astrid R

haha... thank you. I'll update another chapter tonight. *grinning*

Jay Babee

Are you still being a Catfish lol

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