All Search Results „over“

5029 search results were found for the search term „over“.

Books (4974)

Game Over
Sudhanshu Shekhar Game Over

Game Over

  • Short Story
  • English
  • 2401 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 0
  • 0
There was a boy. The name of the boy was Akrosh. Who went in other world of Fogabu [more]


Misted Over
Skystarxx3 Misted Over

Book One

  • Adventure
  • English
  • 6992 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 335
  • 0
Hollypaw thinks that she's in the prophecy, but Leopardpaw is the third cat, not her. Hollypaw is outraged [more]

Keywords: misted, over, book, one

For Free

Over There
confusedalarms . Over There
  • Short Story
  • English
  • 733 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 269
  • 5
A short story about an 8-year-old boy with a bad case of monsters-in-the-closet.

Keywords: over there, short story, monsters, in, the, closet, page

For Free

Game Over
Kerstin Sjöberg Game Over
  • Science Fiction
  • German
  • 2511 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 400
  • 2
Nachdem Liam durch eine Messerattacke stirbt, findet er sich in einem weißen Raum geführt, in welchem er auf [more]

Keywords: 10G30T, Game Over, Leben nach dem Tod, Leben, Tod, Entscheidungen, Neue Chance, kostenlos, Shortstory, 10 Geschichten in 30 Tagen, Mord, Sci-Fi, Science-Fiction, Kurzgeschichte

For Free

Spielsucht -Game over
Roxane Denis Spielsucht -Game over

Game Over

  • Poetry
  • German
  • 54 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 297
  • 5
Dies ist ein Gedicht zum Gedichtewettbewerb Spielsucht Hoffe es gefällt euch. Es ist mein erster Beitrag den ich in einem [more]

Keywords: Sucht, Computer

For Free

Users (2)

Over 9000
Over 9000
  • English
No Additional Results

Groups (29)

F4 / ( Boys over Flowers)
F4 / ( Boys over Flowers)
  • 6 Members
This description to my fav show boys over flowers and my fav band l0l i love them plzz joint my group thank you
Writers Over 50
Writers Over 50
  • 41 Members
This is a place where authors, poets, essayists, and playwrights - and any I've left out - can share what we're doing, ask questions, and just be a group of interested/ interesting peers. If you ARE over 50 please send your request to become a member. Thanks.
minecraft stars
minecraft stars
  • 13 Members
skullkid, is it over yet,And TAKE ONE join plz
im leaving and i have 2 im sorry ill try to get back on before the year is over with ill try ok
Anime Freaks and Nerds in real life
Anime Freaks and Nerds in real life
  • 24 Members
This group at s about you are obsessed over anime and you are a nerd in real life so join the group

FAQs (12)

How do I get paid my royalties?
How do I get paid my royalties?

Once you have earned the minimum amount of 10 Euros, approximately $14 US dollars, in royalties from your ebook sales, BookRix will transfer your funds monthly to your PayPal  account. If you have not reached the minimum of 10 Euros, approximately $14 US dollar, your royalties will be rolled over to the following month.

The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.
The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.

One of 2 things can be happening here:

1. Did you publish your book? You must publish your book in order for the book URL link to work properly. Once published, your book can be located using the ‘Search’ function on BookRix or a general search online.

2. If your book is marked with an 18+ (adult content only) age recommendation, your book will only be searchable to registered users who are logged in and have their age of over 18 entered in their profile. Their “Family Filter” must also be turned off to be able to search for 18+ books on BookRix.

The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.
The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.

One of 2 things can be happening here.

1. Did you publish your book? You must publish your book in order for your book URL link to work properly. Once published, your book can be located using the ‘Search’ function on BookRix or a general search online.

2. If your book is marked with an 18+ (adult content only) age recommendation, your book will only be searchable to registered users who are logged in and have their age of over 18 entered in their profile. Their “Family Filter” must also be turned off to be able to search for 18+ books on BookRix.

Does BookRix have the exclusive publishing rights of the books?
Does BookRix have the exclusive publishing rights of the books?

BookRix does not and will never own the exclusive rights to your content. By publishing your book on, you only give us the right to show your work on our website and through our partner channels. Once you remove the book we can no longer use it, which would be sad but we’ll get over it.

If you delete your content (sniff, sniff), we no longer have the right to display your work. However, you may not upload your book using the BookRix format to other websites since BookRix owns the proprietary rights to the book format technology. That’s how we roll in these parts.

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