FAQ over

Es wurden 12 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „over“ gefunden.

FAQs (12)

How do I get paid my royalties?
How do I get paid my royalties?

Once you have earned the minimum amount of 10 Euros, approximately $14 US dollars, in royalties from your ebook sales, BookRix will transfer your funds monthly to your PayPal  account. If you have not reached the minimum of 10 Euros, approximately $14 US dollar, your royalties will be rolled over to the following month.

The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.
The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.

One of 2 things can be happening here:

1. Did you publish your book? You must publish your book in order for the book URL link to work properly. Once published, your book can be located using the ‘Search’ function on BookRix or a general search online.

2. If your book is marked with an 18+ (adult content only) age recommendation, your book will only be searchable to registered users who are logged in and have their age of over 18 entered in their profile. Their “Family Filter” must also be turned off to be able to search for 18+ books on BookRix.

The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.
The link (URL) to my eBook is not working and it cannot be found when I search for it on BookRix or an online search.

One of 2 things can be happening here.

1. Did you publish your book? You must publish your book in order for your book URL link to work properly. Once published, your book can be located using the ‘Search’ function on BookRix or a general search online.

2. If your book is marked with an 18+ (adult content only) age recommendation, your book will only be searchable to registered users who are logged in and have their age of over 18 entered in their profile. Their “Family Filter” must also be turned off to be able to search for 18+ books on BookRix.

Does BookRix have the exclusive publishing rights of the books?
Does BookRix have the exclusive publishing rights of the books?

BookRix does not and will never own the exclusive rights to your content. By publishing your book on BookRix.com, you only give us the right to show your work on our website and through our partner channels. Once you remove the book we can no longer use it, which would be sad but we’ll get over it.

If you delete your content (sniff, sniff), we no longer have the right to display your work. However, you may not upload your book using the BookRix format to other websites since BookRix owns the proprietary rights to the book format technology. That’s how we roll in these parts.

My Profile
My Profile

Once you have registered with BookRix you can begin customizing your profile page to showcase your personality. You profile will display your personal information (About Me), your Profile Picture, your eBooks, your BookRix Friends, the list of Groups you are a member of, and the books you’ve marked as Favorites.

BookRix community members can visit your profile page, write posts and leave comments.

Posts on Your Profile

BookRix community members are free to add posts and comments on other member profiles. You have the ability to remove a comment or post from your profile, mark them as important, or disable additional comments on a post. Just click the settings icon to the right of the post and you will see Delete, Mark as Important Post (this will keep the post at the top of your profile) and Disable Additional Comments.

Profile picture

You can upload a profile picture by hovering your mouse over the image box on the left side of your profile. A pencil icon will appear and if you hover over the pencil, you’ll see Upload Profile Picture. Clicking this will allow you to browse your computer for an image file to upload. When you have selected an image, a window will appear allowing you to choose a section of your photo to display on your profile. Click Select after you have selected your image section. Your new image will appear on your profile page

Cover Picture

You can upload a cover picture to your profile by selecting Add Cover Picture or Change Cover Picture on your profile page. You can choose to delete your current cover picture or upload a new one. Once you upload a new image, you will be asked to choose a section of your image to display. Once you’ve determined the appropriate image selection, click Select and your new image will appear as your cover picture.

About Me

The information about yourself, that you want to share to others, can be entered by clicking on the Edit button next to the "About Me" area on the left side of your profile page. Since you are the profile owner, you are able to see all the information you entered. You can decide which pieces of information you’d like to share (if any) on your profile.

What is BookRix?
What is BookRix?

BookRix is a free self publishing platform that offers eBook distribution services to independent writers. Our users can share their writing, connect with other readers and discover new stories and authors – all in one place. Upon registration, a new account profile will be created for you. Your personal profile can be customized to your liking and is equipped with all the tools you will need to create your own eBooks, list your favorite literature, promote yourself as an author and publish your work to major online shops.

Technology is constantly in motion. Over the years it has changed the way we play our music, watch movies and discover new content. The freedom that technology offers has inspired us to create a company dedicated to providing independent writers with the means to publish their work without the restrictions traditional publishing houses impose. With that idea firmly planted in our minds, BookRix was born.

BookRix was the first book community to give their writers a platform to promote and sell their work on the web as a published eBook. In addition, indie reading enthusiasts are given access to a fast growing virtual library filled with unique content to read and share among their reading circles.

BookRix is free - plain and simple. We believe that everyone has a story to tell and with our self-publishing services, writers can fully explore their potential. On BookRix you can:

- Publish your eBooks and take pride in your accomplishment!

- Distribute and sell your eBook on major online shops and earn money

- Learn simple ways to market your eBook and become a successful indie author

- Discover other readers and writers with the same passion

- Search the community for interesting group discussions, writing tips and reading recommendations

- Share your ideas, receive feedback and discuss your books and projects

- Write book reviews and provide quality feedback to aspiring writers

- Share your books with others via email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest

- Browse our virtual library for top rated books. New titles are added every day!

Edit Cover
Edit Cover

Edit Cover will give you three cover options:

(1) BookRix Stock Covers

BookRix provides some free stock images that can be used as temporary book covers. We do not recommend using these images on books placed for sale. From this option you can adjust your text location, font, and size to best customize your title, subtitle and author name placement on your cover.

(2) Getty Images

If you are planning on publishing a book for sale, it's very important to have a higher quality cover to prevent your book from being rejected. BookRix has partnered up with Getty Images to supply you with over 1 million images for cover art that you can use for your BookRix books (free or sale books).

There is a cost associated with these images that covers the cost of the license for commercial use, however we encourage you to browse these images as the cost is minimal.

Click HERE for more details.

(3) Your Own Images

If you created a book cover image and saved it to your computer, you can upload it using the My Own Cover option and then click the Upload Images button. By selecting Adjust Image to Cover you image will be fit to our eBook cover dimensions.

If your image does not include your book title, please select  Image and Text Only option.  By selecting Adjust Image to Cover you image will be fit to our eBook cover dimensions. From this option you can adjust your text location, font, and size to best customize your title, subtitle and author name placement on your cover.

Tip: Our exact cover measurements are 450 x 550 pixels, so if your image is too small it will appear pixelated, if it’s too thin it will appear stretched, etc. Books for sale are required to have higher quality images of a minimum of 1100 pixels wide.

Tip: Always save your changes.

Book Info Page
Book Info Page

Some books are listed for free, while others have been published with sale price. After reviewing a book, you have some options to choose from within the book info page. You can add it to your favorites, share the book on your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest), and add a comment for the author.

Buy this Book

If you read through the blurb and enjoyed the reading sample, you can take it a step further and buy the book if the author has listed it for sale. Purchasing a book is a simple process. You should see links to our online shops on this page (Amazon, iTunes, Barnes& Noble, Google Play). By clicking any of these links, you will be redirected to book purchase page of the corresponding website.

Add/Remove Favorites

Adding a book to your favorites is easy. Just click the Add to Favorites button on the Book Info page. A green confirmation bar will temporarily appear at the top of your screen. Once a book is added it can be retrieved by viewing Favorites within your Profile page. When a book has been successfully added, the text Add to Favorites will change to In Favorites. When you favorite a book, two things happen: 1. The book is moved to your profile so you can read it later, and 2. A notification is sent to the author informing them that you have marked their book as a favorite. Authors love to see that their books are being read and saved. Should you change your mind, and want to remove a book from your favorites, simply visit the Book Info page and hover over the text In Favorites. The text will change to Remove from Favorites. Click this option and you will be asked to confirm the removal of the book from your favorites list.

Share this Book

Sharing books on your favorite social networks is made easy with the Share this Book button. Selecting this option allows you to share the book of your choice with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

Posts and Comments

If you want to tell the author what you thought of their book, you can do so by adding a comment on the Book Info page. You can share positive thoughts (careful not to leave spoilers), or even constructive feedback. Just click inside the comment box and begin typing. Readers can also comment on another users post as well as send the author a private message. This can be done by clicking the author’s name. You will be redirected to their Profile and can click Send Message to the right of their profile picture.

Group Contests
Group Contests

Group Contests

Every once in a while, there will be a small contest or writing challenge held in a group.  It will either be hosted by BookRix, or by a user.  Everyone is welcome to participate, just make sure you pay close attention to the contest guidelines.

Entering a Group Contest

If you are not already a member of the group where the contest or writing challenge is being held, you will first need to join the group. You can do so by going to the group’s page and clicking the Join Group button on the right. Then, scroll down to the submissions thread and enter your submission within the appropriate timeframe and be sure to adhere to the guidelines of the contest.

How to win a Group Contest

There are two ways to judge a contest: (1) A panel of judges, or (2) A Voting thread.

Sometimes group Admins or another type of panel will vote on the submissions instead of the community – creating a panel of judges.  In this case, the announcement of the winner(s) will be posted within that group and around the site. Otherwise, a voting thread will be opened once the submissions period is over, if that is how the group contest is being run. You can vote within that voting thread during the time period specified in the guidelines. These types of challenges/contests are fun because they are intended for short writing submissions and don’t last as long as a major contest.

Creating Your Own User Contest in a Group

Feel free to do whatever you would like with your user contest.  Anyone can host a user contest, and you don’t need to contact BookRix.  If you’re an Admin or Moderator in a group, you can hold the contest there, or you can host the contest on your own profile.  You can create your own contest/challenge idea, create your own guidelines, fix your own start and end dates, and provide your own prizes.  You can even decide how the winner will be chosen (voting/panel of judges/yourself).  Post the information about your user contest in the I Love BookRix Writing Contests group and BookRix will help by promoting your user contest in the sidebar.

Generally, this is how you should run your contest:  First, the contest or writing challenge is announced and guidelines are set forth. Then, the entry/submission thread is posted. Make sure you mark the thread as Important (using the settings tool icon) so that it’s easy to find.  Submissions can be entered into the thread by adding a comment with a link to your submission or by posting your entry directly in the comments (depending on the contest guidelines).

Help with Getty Images
Help with Getty Images

Let’s face it. We all know books are judged by their covers,  so to help you make your eBook as attractive as possible (especially when it’s for sale in the massive eBook market)  BookRix partnered up with Getty Images to bring you more choices for your eBook covers.

With this feature you have access to over 1 million images with thousands subject options. A simple keyword search will get you exactly what you are looking for. From a serene landscape to sci-fi spaceship, you will be able to find the best image for your creative needs.

To start your search, simply enter your keyword in the field, “Search your item”, and then click “Search”.  For example, if your book is a thriller you can search with words like “mystery”, “murder”, “mysterious", etc. You can also complete keyword searches for multiple words (separated by a coma and a space). For example, you can search “woman running on a beach” or “man, glasses, dark hair, middle-aged”.  It’s best to try various keyword searches to make sure that you find exactly what you are looking for.

Tip: If you are looking for a cartoon feel for your image (commonly used in Chick Lit), you can insert the word “Vector” as one of your key words.

Once you have found an image that you like, simply click on it to see a larger view in your cover display preview. Keep in mind that the quality of the image is delivered in a higher resolution after the image license is purchased. You can fit the image to scale so that it fills the proportions of the cover size. You can also choose to have a grey text background behind your text to make it easier to see your book title in a very illustrated image. Choose your title font and color and then “Proceed to check out”.  You must have a PayPal account to process the payment. Once your payment is complete, you can always reference your purchased image in “My saved images” or “Your own images”.

Choosing a Getty image will allow you to upload the graphic for commercial use in a high resolution quality which is required by the external shops. Once you have purchased the image (for only $9.99), which includes the license usage, you’re free to use the image again and again, indefinitely, for any book on BookRix. This is great news if you have a book that is part of a series and can use the same cover art. Unfortunately, the license is for BookRix eBooks only and can’t be used for print books.

In the near future, you will be able to tailor your title placement to better suit your cover graphic. This will make customizing your cover to make it unique and attractive as possible to attract those readers to your eBook!

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