Mandy The Alpha Dog

Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street By:
Mandy The Alpha Dog
Random excerpts from Mandy The Alpha Dog which covers fears, mistreatment, overeating, obesity, biting, forgiveness, overcoming.
Book can be bought at Amazon, Publish America, , and other on line bookstores

This Book is Part of a Series "Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street"
All Books in this Series:
There's Something Strange.....
Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street
Chen An Yo Pale!
Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street
I Wanna be .....
Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street
Mandy The Alpha Dog
Chronicles of The K-9 Boys and Girls on Locus Street
Posts and Comments
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Such a sweet book. It looks like it took a lot of time and love. The Illustrations are an amazing portrayal of the words. Such wonderful work.

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Excellent writing and illustrations. I really like the book. I look forward to reading more in the series. :)

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The text unfortunately is what it is because this is just a copy of a few pages in my published printed book. The other's in the series are e books and made for this site. 10% of our proceeds from this book and any others we make money from is to go to animal rescue...thanks for putting your 'specs on!

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Thank you for putting your story up. More people need to learn about what happens when a dog breeder is only interested in producing quantity instead of quality dogs, or puppy mills. They end up being abused and many, many pay with their lives for this cruel injustice. I love all dogs, it doesn't matter the breed. It is funny, but I just finished reading lovingempath's poems on abused animals. It made me cry. It was odd that... Show more

1 Comment

Mandy The Alpha Dog has only several of her pages posted and they are copies of her actual book pages. The other stories in the e book series do have the pages side by side for easier reading...thank you for your comments and I am hoping this series will make a difference in... Show more

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It was illustrated very well too. I could really get into Mandy.

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I enjoyed reading this one. It reminds me of one of my dogs. Violet she only bit when she was ticked. We loved her though.

1 Comment

She is a good dog and still does not like being awaken roughly...The other stories are offshoots of this book which was published in 2009 and I only posted a few pages or Publish America would be upset...glad you liked the preview...Paula

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Mandy's was the story that started the series - I only put a few pages of the 38 page book on...Publish America would get testy if I gave away more of the story. We've had good feed back from the kids that have read the book...thanks for the stars ....I'll pass it on to the real stars it's based on...Paula

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Lots of lessons about why some dogs are the way they are, and lots of cute little illustrated snippets.
The puppy-mill issue is a big one right now. I like the idea that you're touching on that here.
Thanks for another great adventure! :)

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I know you said it's only snippets and that there's more to come. I think you've definitely got the material there and I'm sure once you're finished with it it'll be really good, line the others in the series.

1 Comment

This actually is the book that started me on the series. It was written for my granddaughter who had a lot of fears due to the divorce of her parents. Her dad is the illustrator...The book was released in June 2009.

Her trailer is on YouTube under Mandy The Alpha Dog

{I have to... Show more

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