This Is My Kingdom Come

This Is My Kingdom Come
Oscar Herring is the next in line to the throne of his uncle's kingdom. When he turns 17, he will be able to take over from the King and reclaim his rightful place. However, when he discovers that his aunt has given birth to a son, the young Prince flees his kingdom and heads to the only place he can possibly find help: Nighthollow.

In Nighthollow, Luna is still clouded with grief and confusion after the events of the battle one month ago. She has to be strong for little Cody so he can grow up in a world that will offer him great prospects rather than fear. When a strange boy appears one day, she learns that he needs urgent help to win his cunning game of cat-and-mouse. Assisted by her previous companions and a couple of newfound friends, will they see the rebellion through until the end?

This Book is Part of a Series "The Pureblood Saga"
All Books in this Series:
We're All Stories In The End
This Is My Kingdom Come
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