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Hey. ^^
So, chocolatemeerkat, the author of the Pureblood Saga (We're All Stories in The End and This Is My Kingdom Come) and I are planning on writing a musical parody of We're All Stories In The End.
So, uh, expect that in the near future. I look forward to working with you, chocolatemeerkat!
~ Nami

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Alright! It's a new month, which means a new Vocalectro song! (Yay!)
And since my last one, Hanasoumen-P has now got a YouTube account. If you're a fan, subscribe to him. ^^

So... Nami's Vocalectro Song of the Month for May 2014 is...
'Saggitarius' by ROMO/VIA Factory!
This is a fantastic progressive house song with brilliant Miku Dark tuning. It's been released in an album with songs from other good producers like Tranceformer... Show more

【初音ミク - Hatsune Miku Append】Sagittarius【Original】 Enjoy some more music by ROMO, this time in progressive house style. READ FOR MORE ↓↓↓ Once again featuring Hatsune Miku's Dark Append, this song was compose...
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Okay. Starting something new now.
Every month, there will be a new Vocalectro song appearing on my profile.

So... Nami's Vocalectro Song of the Month for April 2014 is:
'Plug Out' by Hanasoumen-P!
This song is an amazing trance song by HSP. I'm listening to it at the moment while drawing the front cover of a new book-
I say too much, don't I... enjoy the song anyway.

【初音ミク - Hatsune Miku】Plug Out【ORIGINAL】+mp3♫ Another amazing piece done by HanasoumenP. MP3 (provided by HSP): Illustration:
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