I am Not Electricity

User: zormna
I am Not Electricity

Hanna Eber's brother is the author and artist of the famous Electricty comic books. He had patterned the super heroine's most interesting aspects after each of his family members. His father, the brains; his mother the overexcited static electrical charge and mathematical gift; and his younger sister Hanna as the body model. 

Most people when they look at her easily see the character resemblance and get excited. Strangers approach her all the time on the street and ask her, "Are you Electricty?" or "Are you Saul Christian Eber's sister?" Fans of the comic series... which is annoying but not too difficult to deal with. That is until the day of the plane crash.

Then everything changed. 

Hanna discovers that her parents’ deaths were not an accident. The center of a conspiracy, Hanna finds out that the sparks she can make with her fingers, and her amazing healing ability are just the tip of the phenomena that turn her life upside down, including being struck by lightning. Hanna learns that maybe her brother’s comic book character is not that unlike her after all

This Book is Part of a Series "Electricity Series"
All Books in this Series:
I am Not Electricity
I am Still Not Electricity

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