I am Still Not Electricity

User: zormna
I am Still Not Electricity

Two years since the deaths of her parents, Hanna Eber (the sister of the famous comic book artist Saul Christian Eber and model for his electricity-wielding super-heroine Electricity) is in college. However she is facing layoffs at the office where the works as a ‘secretary’ part time for the San Francisco FBI Branch, due to budget cuts. Or at least, she thought she was until one of the directors of the Omega Project arrives, telling her that she and her brother were in fact genetically engineered as part of a super soldier project—and he is there to take her back so they can finish the project. Hanna is determined to prove that this simply isn’t so. After all, her parents would not participate in some sort of unscrupulous government scheme like that, would they?

This Book is Part of a Series "Electricity Series"
All Books in this Series:
I am Not Electricity
I am Still Not Electricity

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