Danielle Spider:D
Danielle Spider:D
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Books (3)
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Danielle Spider:D

Caged Birds By Eva Perkins

She was just an ordinary girl, who was lost in this big bad world.
And she tried every exit and tried every map,
But still, she was trapped.

He was just a boy, without a warning sign.
And he told her he loved her, but he did it all wrong.
And now they’re lost behind bars.

And they’re like Caged Birds, singing their way through the night.
Nobody knows that they’re crying for help.
And if they had the... Show more

Caged Birds: Original Song by Eva Perkins (Look in Description!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEXwv8K8RlU Hi guys!!! Sooooo... here's my latest original song, Caged Birds. I am actually entering it into a contest! But the thing is... the contest needs votes :) So...
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Danielle Spider:D

ashley berrett is the most amazing person of life

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Skye Jane

Yup. So are you excited for tenth grade?

Danielle Spider:D

yes and no:) you know the feeling

Skye Jane

Ya I do actually. I'm mostly just enjoying my summer though. Guess what? My cat had kittens. Do you want one? We are trying to give them away even though I don't want to because they are so cute!

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Nala Darkwing

A friend of yours told me that you are a good artist, I was wondering if you could create a cover for my book, Born to the Water.

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Danielle Spider:D

Do you want the dragon to be roaring or coming dramatically out of the water or kind of a peaceful feel or what? I need to know the feel of it.

(calm, peaceful, intense, stoic, dramatic...)

Nala Darkwing

I guess that I want it to be calmish

Danielle Spider:D

Do you have a due date?

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