My Photography

My Photography

This book contains some of my photography. I love taking pictures (especially of nature and random objects), and I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.

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why isn't my eye on there? :) Just so you know, I look up to you as a role model in photography.

Danielle Spider:D

hehe I'm great aren't I?

anyway yours is there now:)



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Skye Jane

I love your photos. Amazing. I really liked the bee one. Was that hard to capture?

Danielle Spider:D

the hovering one? well, no actually. Bees aren't that hard to get for me. they actually cooperate, unlike birds and butterflies, who fly away the second they're in a good position. bees are nice. I have a lot of bee pictures.

Skye Jane

Oh cool. Do you have a nice camera?

Danielle Spider:D

heck yeah, Its awesome

Skye Jane

That's cool do you take any horse pictures? Because if you do you should show me some.

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Deleted User

OMG I love your book you are really good at it please update soon and oh you should paragraph your chapters

Danielle Spider:D

Thanks:D I will update soon:)

Deleted User

can't wait i love it especially Xavier and Olivia wanna know what happen to them

Deleted User

anymore lovely books like that you have

Danielle Spider:D
My Art This is just some of my art. There's pencil drawings, some computer art, and some photo editing. (I burned the edges of my musical one, framed it, and gave it to my violin teacher fo...
Deleted User

okay will look at it now

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Deleted User

The whole time I was like she did not do these they are really good

1 Comment
Danielle Spider:D

hehe yeah... they are pretty awesome.

thanx :D its fun to take pics

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