**Kiera** is Offline.
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Hallo Kiera,

falls Du es mal mit guter erotischer Literatur versuchen willst, kann ich Dir
meine beiden erotischen Romane über Chloes Abenteuer empfehlen.
Lies ruhig mal rein. Du findest sie hier:



LG Isabelle

Chloe – Metamorphosen der Begierde https://www.bookrix.de/_ebook-isabelle-castellana-chloe-metamorphosen-der-begierde/ Chloe erlebt wieder eine Reihe von Initiationen, von denen sie vorher nichts ahnen konnte. Ihr Geliebter lässt sie in der dubiosen Praxis eines Psychotherapeuten hypnotisieren und übergibt sie dann...
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Hi how are you ? :)


Hey Alexia. I`m fine..and you? How`s your book going? :)

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Good I almost ended the 1st chapter. And I need your help so when you see that PM please


Ok sure. I`ll see it tomorrow and let you know. Is that okay? I`m too tired today. Docs are saying I need to slow my life a bit! XD

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Hahahah ! Lol ! Of course ! And thank you. I really appreciate it. And take care

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thanks for the FR


Hmm.. I should be saying it dear. Thank you so much for the FR.
Nice p.pic. :)

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You`re welcome..

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нαρρу ηєνєя αƒтєя

Thanks for the FR


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Wow. Guys? If you think I care about all these? That`s ridiculous! You really think I`m so despo for someone`s friendship? We were friends.,I asked if our friendship can still go on and she refused. I don`t lack people in my life. I don`t lack trouble in my life. Stop behaving... Show more


And yes Abhi. Sweetheart. You messed my BR life..i don`t mind. I`m still here for a particular reason I don`t wish to talk about. I like it..you`re trying mending the mess. Thank you. But you`re also insulting me when begging for someone to give me her friendship. I`m not... Show more

нαρρу ηєνєя αƒтєя

Uh huh. See? She's fine with us not being friends and I'm fine with not liking her enough to be friends with her.

It's a done deal.

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Thnx for accepting my FR

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Yay :)

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No we never had beef in the first place

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Welcome to Bookrix..meli

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good morning

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and its ok

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hi, thanks for friend request, now it is 2016, thinking of new stories, and warmer climate than here.Also thinking of trying a Sicilian recipe today. My friends the geese are feeding in large flocks in the wet fields getting ready to migrate north. Lots of life out there despite the weather. This morning revisted a bit of writing , an Egyptian meditation;

Egyptian Meditation

Think of yourself as the source,
of the River Nile,
... Show more

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Words can cry and words can smile...
Words can be pain and words can be happiness....
Just....how to express yourself....


You gave me an idea wildgoose! Thanks a lot!!

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Thanks for accepting my fr!


Hey Austin! Thanks for the FR! I tried to send you one but couldn`t.. :P

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It's okay!

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