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Books (13)
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The Value of Stories as Teachers
I write fiction and I worry sometimes about how my chosen genre affects how my message is read. The lens of high fantasy or paranormal fiction is easy to write off as noisy, senseless, action heavy fluff directed toward an unthinking audience. Comic books and video games have had to deal with this limited perspective for decades and books much, much longer. Every story that has ever been told... Show more

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The message is that in the land of plastic, only love is real. How much more depravation would it take to turn the despondent Hank Moody into the sick Patrick Bateman? How much would it take for all of us?
I have no conclusion paragraph for you because stories, the good ones, do... Show more

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Viktor Milovat

Thanx for being friends here! :)


Hey, no problem dude. I haven't looked at this page in years, but I wanted to get back into the community.

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Glynis Rankin

Hi, I just wanted to come by and say how much I love your stories Swansong and Whisper in the Dark.... I love your style and the stories were a wonderful read....thanks so much for sharing them.

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