Ask the Experts!

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So you're writing an epic story, and your main character has found himself aboard a massive ship. All is going well- until he gets into a gunfight with a fellow crew member and is dealt a life-threatening gunshot wound, and must be treated quickly... or die. Except that you know nothing about ships. Or guns. Or how to treat a gunshot wound. You've Googled these things to death, and yet there are still... Show More


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Hey everyone! I think it's time that I lay down some guidelines about promoting your work in this... By: Deleted User
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Hey everyone! I think it's time that I lay down some guidelines about promoting your work in this group. As you all know, there are some groups that are more geared towards promotions than others. I don't want to ban promos completely but nor do I want them all over the group, as they aren't really what this group is here for.

So here's what I'm thinking... If you've posted in this group about your story in order to get... Show more

Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

sounds pretty logical to me... and I'm really looking forward to reading that finished 'ship and ocean' book of yours :D

Deleted User

Thanks! I'm gonna put Part 1 up really soon. It'll be going up in three parts... though you won't actually end up on the ship til Part 2, lol...

Deleted User

Same here Mary. I look forward to reading the story you put so much time and thought in.

Welcome to Ask the Experts! I hope you will find this page to be helpful and that everyone will b... By: Deleted User
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Welcome to Ask the Experts! I hope you will find this page to be helpful and that everyone will be able to contribute their own expertise to the group! This group will only succeed if we work together to answer one another's questions. :)

Hey folks, so here's the basic idea.

1) Start a post with your questions, topics you are researching, etc. It might be an idea to scroll through previous posts and make sure that no one else... Show more

Deleted User

Oh yes... annnnd there may be situations where person A asks a question, and person B and person C each have a different opinion on said question. If this comes up, debating one another in the thread that follows is completely acceptable... as long as it's done nicely. :)


I just want to say how much I LOVE the idea of this group :-D


This seems like a useful group prospect. . . . *Will keep around*


An excellent group idea, Mary! In researching/plotting our books, it's easy to get lost in the minutiae of important details. SOMEONE here is no doubt knowledgeable regarding any question we might have.

I've had good luck with Google, and even Youtube for certain technical... Show more

I'm starting Amy first nonfiction book By: T. C. Copeland
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I am a member of the 3D Printing community and I am working on a nonfictional guide to help out beginners with all of the different obstacles that come with owning and operating a 3D Printer. I have no experience writing and would appreciate any tips.

Nerf War By: John Jacob Astor
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I'm planning to make a war movie with Nerf guns. Anyone have any ideas? Your opinions will be gladly acepted in my movie.

Why has nobody answered my post?????????????????? By: John Jacob Astor
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Why has nobody answered my post??????????????????

Invitation to Submit Manuscripts By: Teddy Kim
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Hello friends, I would like to invite you to submit your manuscripts to Leaf~Land Press. We are actively seeking new authors to support and develop. Don’t worry about being “ready”. We are looking for new voices. Our first title is from a debut novelist and her book is doing great. Check out the link for more details.

Titanic vs Warships By: John Jacob Astor
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If the Titanic was cloned into a fleet of 10 ships armed with machine guns, torpedoes, and missiles owned by the Royal Navy of England versus a fleet of 2 German U-Boats and 3 German Navy type 34 battleships, who will win? The Germans, or England?

Can you tell me is it something wrong with this? By: Deleted User
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I have written two stories now and I kind of feel that people just stop writting... to me... stop talking to me but why???

Under this I am talking about "Humans" and "181818", but honesty I have and others stories what impressed me the last user out here said that I tear up people... but that's not the goal... I want to scare the people not to cry.....

Portfolio Page of D1 on Booksie Read 3 pieces of work from D1’s writing portfolio on Booksie.
Anybody know how to treat a stab wound to the stomach? Or a shot to the arm? By: Alai
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Anybody know how to treat a stab wound to the stomach? Or a shot to the arm?

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Duron Crejaro

BNI, I'm an ex army medic. a stab wound to the stomach is tricky, as it depends on where exactly it is, a straight gut stab anywhere period, is going to require surgical intervention...period...because the blade could knick arteries on the entrails anywhere(when they do surgery... Show more

John Jacob Astor

The best option is to take the vitcm to the hospital as soon as posible

need help with a fairy tail fan fic By: FinalFairyTail
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need help with a fairy tail fan fic

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