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Hi everyone,
I am glad to be a part of this wonderful community. I am the author of 9 books-4 poetry, 4 short stories and 1 drama. A special thanks to Patrick Sean Lee and Christine-Jean Clarke for being my true supporters. Today is my birthday.

Deleted User

hi i just saw your profile in the community and i drop in to say welcome to bookrix even though you are an old member to the site anyway happy birthday to you and thank God that you live to see 33 years of life shining so bright with happiness and go your birthday the day is... Show more


Thanks dear Princess Aaliyah.

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The Twister

Hey guys!!
Please check out my new book called Coma! If you do check it out please give me feedback on my book so far!! I it would mean a lot for you guys to check it out and read it <3

So yeah please enjoy!
I hope that you guys will like it!! XD

And please check out my other book (if you want) called Complicated love

COMA. Will Arianna remember her true loves!? Amongst these 5 devishly handsome men? https://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-the-twister-coma/ Arianna had suddenly woke up from being in a coma for 5 months, she has lost most of her memory. What troubles her is that 5 handsome, charming and drop dead gorgeous men were sitting beside her ho...

Yes I will when time permits. Thanks for sharing.

The Twister

Aw thanks <3 and no thanks for even checking out my book ^.^

koyelevergreen http://www.koyelevergreen.wordpress.com Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever
The Twister

Ohh!! Your own site I'll check it out

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Deleted User

Thanks for the FR... :)


Thanks for sending the request.

Deleted User

No! I didn't sent it...I guess you forgot... :)


oh okay doesn't matter We are friends now right?

Deleted User

Yeah! :D

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