
In the spectacular and corrupt city of Polit, sixteen year-old Alana Bendrece and her family live in squalor, in a walled-in ghetto aptly named Black. After having killed an attacker from outside her caste neighborhood, she is arrested, quickly tried, and then condemned.

Hours later, Alana is flown in a Helicere II aircraft to a land far, far away. An island only a chosen few even know exists. A place reserved for "special cases". Blindfolded, and with her hands lashed behind her back, she is pitched out the cargo door as the aircraft approaches the island. Terrified, she falls, and falls, and falls…

But death doesn’t capture young Alana, rather the cords of a vast net stretched along the shoreline of a frightening beach. What awaits her in this strange new land is at times confusing, wonderful, and yet more horrific than anything she has experienced in her life.

There are people inhabiting the amazing island called "Folly"; those who live high in the massive branches of five hundred foot-tall trees, and those who dwell in a Medieval-like walled city many miles away from the mighty giants of the lush forest.

Alana soon discovers that despite her rescue by a young tree dweller, someone living in one or the other—or both—of these vastly different groups on Folly wants her dead, and they will destroy the island and every person on it in order to get it done.


Yet, Alana has a power. One that even she is unaware of. Her challenge will be to evade capture and torture, and in the process discover the true depths of this gift, and rescue those she has come to love.

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♥ ︀➪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-patrick-sean-lee-rising-1

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Will check out the sample later.^^ Maybe buy it later.

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♥ ︀➪ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?felixthecat_1434036081.0412230492

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Ooooooooh! This is finished?

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I will. I have so much reading to do...

Oh God... I just corrected a passage in 'Akata' (which I'm writing right now ^_^ ) where "the" was repeated at the beginnings of three paragraphs. THREE! *shudder* How despicable...


Not that bad, lol. Lemme' read it:)

Deleted User

I already fixed it. It was beginning to hurt my eyes, lol.

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Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

Am going to buy this tonight when i have time but i just had to shoot you a quick compliment on the cover design! It looks amazing. The last one was nice and very well done, but I have to say that this one is most certainly a step up and looks like it belongs in print in local book stores! Very much a YA style :)

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Thanks so much, Heather. I hope the content does the cover justice:) It SHOULD be fast reading, btw.


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Bought it!


You're truly one of the most giving people I know, Judy. I THINK you bought it because you thought it might be good, and not because (so much) we're old friends. I mean we've BEEN friends for a long time:) Not "old" :) Well, what I really mean is...

Thank you once again!


The reason I bought it was "All of the Above" - I'd read the beginning and found it one of the best reads I'd enjoyed in a long time and really want to know what happens next; and we're old friends who support and encourage each other on this amazing and somewhat bizarre writing... Show more


And yeah, I meant to put that word "old" in quotes, lol.


This is good to see! People do support their friends- and if you get to read a good, well written yarn at the same time, then it's GOOD! I know most of my sales of Hexer Stoze have been to friends- I hope they like it enough to recommend it further.


I think that is so important, K.L.

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