Official Member Writing Contest (OMWC)

  • 49 Members
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  • Group Language: English
This group is dedicated primarily for short story and scriptwriting enthusiasts. Each contests will be determined by 3 judges and will be graded among the following:



Setting, Narration and Exposition, and Appeals to the Senses

Style (use of language)

Mechanics... Show More


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And The Winner Of The First OMWC contest goes to... By: Anthony Haven
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We would like to take this moment to congratulate Felix for his work. This contest was not easily decided. Even though it may not have had quantity, quality really made up for that aspect. We hope that future contests that are held can replicate what this one had.

There were three other stories that rivaled the winner's story. All three were very... Show more

Jaafar of Arabia An administrator to the Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad is sent on a mission to establish the arts and sciences in a small city sitting on the banks of the Tigris in 1,000 A.D. He enters a Kaveh Kanes i...
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My apologies for responding so late.... Congratulations Patrick, I was sensing that you might win, hahaha.... awesome! :D

JL Shaw

Congrats Patrick! Very well deserved!

Deleted User

The story that placed all had potential to win. But only one winner was needed. Congratulations, Patrick :).

Say Hello To Your Group Moderators! By: Anthony Haven
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Felixthecat, Judycolella, and L. Avery Brown. They are here to ensure that this group stays on course. Meaning that everyone is respected, treated equal, that no foul language is being used, and keeping everyone updated on all the latest contest information.

All three are well respected members of Bookrix. They are published authors that hold a lot of knowledgeable information when it comes to writing. The trio have been known... Show more

questions By: angamonkey
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Just wondering if there's any particular theme, or if there are things we should avoid in our entries (type of language, strong themes) or if it's free range.

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Gee, thanks, Avery. [offers manic smile] I'm on it. Oy.

This comment was deleted.

Okay, done. Because no word count stipulation was in the initial contest info, they most likely missed the subsequent posts about it in this thread.

Is there any contest activity going on in this Group? By: Maria Thermann
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There doesn't seem to be a current contest and no activity. Is this group still active?


Here's what we're working on, Maria...

Go to my post, Contest Update...

Serious Writers SERIOUS WRITERS is a team of authors who collectively encourage positive attitudes and strive for growth, regardless of their current level of experience. But wherever you are on your writing journey, we will make the trip as fun and enjoyable as possible. Join us and work with like minded members who share the goal of continuously improving their writing craft.
Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)

i don't know about this group, but i do know that there is a petition, of sorts, going around the Coffee Shop. the discussion is titled "The good old days" and is fairly active right now


:) Thanks, Heather. As I said, the interest is there (the old contests were awesome), especially among the old guard here at Bookrix, we just need a ship, a Captain, and a course to set sail toward:)

Maria Thermann

Thanks everyone, I'll take a squint at it.

Deadline? By: robbedbygreed
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Hey! What is the cut off date for entries? And is there a specific length the short stories or scripts need to be?
Thanks :)

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Yes ma'am, I'm am clear here.
And thank you for the info.

L. Avery Brown

Great! Here's wishing you much happy writing!

Deleted User

Thank you ma'am :)

Can I By: madamocta
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I am writing a fan book for Persona(4 which is a game) can I post that onto here when I'm done with it?


Fan fiction can be cool and in many ways original, but unlike a story written from scratch, a story that is based on a game or movie already has the characters established - they've been given names and in some instances, a history or back-story to give you a kind of head start.... Show more



Anthony Haven

Yeah Judy pretty much nailed it. No one is saying you can't enter it, but if you really want an honest shot at winning this up and coming contest, I would say enter something you start from scratch. Originality will always go the furthest. Good luck and happy writing!


Well I am writing a book that I would sell on bookrix

just wondering By: jessjc3 ♥️
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can i enter a book that i already have published?

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Both Avery and Judy are correct. According to my conversations with Anthony, the sky's the limit, save this: No scripts or poetry in the first contest. Word cap of 2,000. So, it's a SHORT STORY contest. No porn or X, of course.

If you wrote a story five, ten years ago...even have... Show more


My error...Judy said a 2,500 word cap. That's correct. My apologies.

Anthony Haven

Just to add on to what Felix and Avery said, you may enter your story if it fits into the 2500 word cap, hasn't been entered in a previous contest here or another site. The reason for that is, I don't want someone to get the benefit of reaping all the rewards with previous work... Show more

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