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Oops, sorry I "bugged" you, Alex. Will try and figure out how to perk up my profile page on my own but doubt I will successful. Boo hoo.

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J.C. Laird

Well, I posted in SW who was really responsible for my profile page. I hope people don't start bugging you. It's tough when you have talent.


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No prob, thanks for accepting!!! :)
Yeah, i do tht alot, but i always liked the thought of being the black sheep....well im defiantly the black sheep in my family. I do that, now bear with me this is weird.
I had a dream that i was a Vampire and Werewolves were going after 1 Direction and i had to stop them from killin alll of the 1D group..
Then these Bat/People came through the some windows in the middle of the a concert and... Show more

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It's really great that people make their own covers, especially when it's not just a photograph so I figured you should know yours was one of the "best covers" :)

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Hey! Did you see that your cover made it to the "Best of cover art June 2012"? Congratulations!

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Thanks for accepting my friend request. I just started on bookrix, but I saw your poem and liked it, and then I saw your profile and liked everything you said, therefore my brain thought "must send friend request." I find that my own poems are kind of silly and emotional and I'm trying to figure out how to express other things that I experience through poetry. It's hard. I do better with dark comedy writing I think.

I'm... Show more

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Thank you very much for your lovely comment to my 'Sacred Hoop'.
You're certainly right, the type could be a whole lot bigger. Actually it was only intended to be printed as a real book for my latest University project but then somebody told me to put it online as well. The printed version of course is a lot bigger then most computer screens and it would've looked plain silly if the type would've been any bigger.
I tried... Show more

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I have lots and lots of messages to catch up on. Yes, if you have recently messaged me personally about reading your book, I will read it...if you sent me a mass message, or especially a bunch of mass messages, I very well may not. But I'll keep it in mind. Please do not get offended; I am not ignoring anyone. I just have a lot of things to keep me busy and the internet ranks close to last. Bookrix is one of many websites on... Show more

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