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Hallo bookzilla,

falls Du es mal mit guter erotischer Literatur versuchen willst, kann ich Dir
meine beiden erotischen Romane über Chloes Abenteuer empfehlen.
Lies ruhig mal rein. Du findest sie hier:

LG Isabelle

Chloe – Metamorphosen der Begierde Chloe erlebt wieder eine Reihe von Initiationen, von denen sie vorher nichts ahnen konnte. Ihr Geliebter lässt sie in der dubiosen Praxis eines Psychotherapeuten hypnotisieren und übergibt sie dann...
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I like your favorite to much dear or can you read my latest book Cinderella


I will read it if I have enough time!!!



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Just have to say, you have a rocking profile! Seeing it it totally makes me enthused to read your book. Give me a few days to sort out my editing and uploads and urs will be first on list to read! Super keen!

1 Comment

My book is just a silly children's book - it's only a few pages long, but I appreciate it nonetheless :)

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Hey! I haven't seen you around in awhile - where have you been? I love your cover picture, Van Gogh is one of my favorites :)

Are you going to add more to the Goat Pirate story soon?


Hey - sorry, i've been studying and it's so time consuming. i'm here now and have a short break from school, so i'll be around for the next little while anyway.


Well, welcome back and I hope you have a nice break from school!

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Für alle, die mein Buch "Das Leben des Wolfes" noch nicht kennen, hier eine kleine Vorstellung:

Genre: Fantasy
Ab 12 Jahren
Herzen (Stand 22.3.2013): 57
Kapitel: 10
Klappentext: "Sie tat es wieder - Jagen. Und wieder fürchtete sie sich, man könnte sie erwischen und der Kälte und des Todes aussetzen. Doch diesmal waren es nicht die Männer des Vorstands, die sie fanden - sondern ein Wolf. Er führte sie fort und ließ sie alles... Show more

Das Leben des Wolfes Sie tat es wieder - Jagen. Und wieder fürchtete sie sich, man könnte sie erwischen und der Kälte und des Todes aussetzen. Doch diesmal waren es nicht die Männer des Vorstands, die sie fanden - sond...

hey - sorry i don't read german books. i can speak it but just barely and i'm too busy studying right now to practice my german reading :)


Deleted User

That's okay. And sorry that I haven't see this fact on your profile ;)

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Glynis Rankin

I love your spinning back ground, floating cover how did you do that? Wow


hi, sorry i didn't reply sooner. i saw that other people are using gifs so i found one. gifs are those moving pictures, that are on a loop over and over again. you can just use google to find some. you have to save it on your desktop first though

Glynis Rankin

Thanks my friend...I'll check it out

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Hi Veronica,

I appreciate you taking time to read and your comment on my poem "Rain".

When I wrote the phrase "it is streaming from the sky", I was driven by pure inspiration and had no idea how it would come across to my readers.

Thank you. :)

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Hey Bookzilla, thank you for commenting on my book. I am still reading over it, checking for errors and as such, i have come across many :P
Thanks for the support, much appreciated! <3

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