Zombies Need Love, Too

Zombies Need Love, Too
A romantic, light-hearted spoof of our society's fascination with vampires, werewolves and zombies, and our literal creation of a new genre.

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Deleted User

Hahaha! Love the end! Priceless!

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Deleted User

Is this completed? ...

Anyway, I love it!
Write more!

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I found this very funny, even including a forest green, 1969 AMC AMX, boy those were the days. I laughed so hard my brains fell out, oh crap someone is eating them...gotta go.

Great job.

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Ah, romance a-la-Montagues and Capulets. How sweet. Glad no one died in the end....I hope.

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...about this whole scary Halloween thing...ha ha.

I like your natural flowing comedic voice in this. It's the best comedy there is, when it's not forced and when it sits within the story as if it belongs there.

I had a little giggle at his thing dropping off after taking Viagra. It must have been the picture I had in my mind...

Overall I got a Tim Burton type of Corpse Bride image, which made it all the more easy to read.... Show more

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There was a charm about that story along with your legendary professionalism. Nice touch.

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Deleted User

very different from what we are used to in movies. Well written, very imaginative, it was also funny. Good job.

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I love zombies, but even if I didn't, I still would have enjoyed your story. There was absolutely nothing unusual about the first few pages, which was a nice lead up to the sudden "it was starting to flake and rot". Even though the title gives things away, I still really appreciated the set up!

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A great alternative to the usual vampire pap we read...I loved this one. I also loved drive-in movies, so this really took me back to the good old days.

As usual, you combine humor with skill - and weaved a tale that even I could stomach, despite the gory snacks.

As your second unofficial editor, two tiny fixes needed:

nob should be knob
drought should be draught

That's all folks!!

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