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I found your book 'The Forgotten Way' on the Kobo books site (yep, I have a Kobo) and noticed that someone had rated it 5 stars! Congratulations :D
I'm tempted to download 'The Long Way' for the Kobo and tell you what I think. It sounds AWESOME.
Hope to see you around :D
Oh, and I'm sending you a friend request xD
That's all. Have a good day! :D
- Bethan ;)

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Hi Aaron,
I just read your story, "Crawl". Loved it! Very creepy and interesting. It held my interest throughout and the ending is good. I really like how you left unanswered the question of how the characters got into the situation they found themselves in. That kind of leaves it up to the reader's imagination. (And all readers should have good imaginations!)
Thanks for the great read!

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hey! i just saw one of your books (for sale) on the "BookRix recommends" thing on the "Books" page! Congrats!

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thanks for the friend request - your book "stories about the rain" is really beautiful and i just started your new one so i'll let you know what i think when i'm done! :)

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Thanks for the add! And might I just add, great job on your book, I really enjoyed it.

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