All Search Results „twitter“

105 search results were found for the search term „twitter“.

Books (88)

Buchtexte und Twitter-Nachrichten.
Christine Singh Buchtexte und Twitter-Nachrichten.
  • Humor
  • German
  • 171 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 134
  • 0
Ein Buch muss heutzutage so kurz sein, dass sein Inhalt in eine Twitter-Nachricht passt. (Original-Aussage von mir; biite [more]

Keywords: Buchtexte, Twitter, kurz

For Free

Twitter und der öffentliche Diskurs
Matthias Weiler, Martin Gertler Twitter und der öffentliche Diskurs

Medienethische Fragen zur Funktion des Microblogging-Dienstes

  • Science
  • German
  • 5070 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 849
  • 0
Mit der Diskurstheorie von Jürgen Habermas und medienethischen Ansätzen wird die Forschungsfrage beantwortet, inwieweit Twitter sich als Diskursmedium [more]


Peter's Twittclass
Peter Barns Peter's Twittclass
  • Poetry
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • Ages 14 and up
  • 282
  • 0
After reading a few quotes from famous people posted on Twitter, I decided to create and post some [more]

Keywords: twitter, poems

For Free

E. M. Allen #Under140
  • Humor
  • English
  • 74 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 290
  • 0
#Under140 is a comic tweet, a daily series of tweet following Li. This book is an archive of [more]

Keywords: Twitter, Li

For Free

Social Media Marketing - Dead or Alive?
Noah Daniels Social Media Marketing - Dead or Alive?

Instant Solutions To Social Media Marketing In Step by Step Detail

  • Self-Help
  • English
  • 6964 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 300
  • 0
Social networking websites are now offering the greatest advantages of anyone who is looking to market their products [more]

Keywords: Social networking, social network marketing, products and services, MySpace, Skype, Facebook, Twitter


Users (1)

  • English
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Groups (6)

  • 1 Member
Das ist eine Gruppe für alle Twitterliebhaber, die KEIN Facebook haben/ es wenig nutzen (also facebook). Wenn ihr Mitglied werden möchtet, tretet der Gruppe bei und schreibt auch gleich wer ihr so auf twitter seid. Okay? Ich freue mich auf Mitglieder! <3
***Tweets & Facebook Likes  Tauschbörse***
***Tweets & Facebook Likes Tauschbörse***
  • 4 Members
Ihr sucht noch Follower für eure Twitter Seite oder "Likes" für eure Facebook Chronik ? Dann seit ihr hier richtig tauscht eure "Tweets" und "Likes" hier aus :D viel Spaß dabei ;)
Marlene Lauterbach - News
Marlene Lauterbach - News
  • 1 Member
Meine eigene Gruppe *Champagnerflasche köpf* Da ich kein Fan von Facebook bin (und es in diesem Leben auch nicht mehr werde), Twitter mich stresst und mir Freundschaften per Mausklick eher suspekt erscheinen, gibt es nun eine Gruppe. Hier werde ich einen Eintrag posten, wenn es etwas Neues (Abgeschlossenes) von mir gibt. Aber auch Infos zu laufenden Projekten werdet ihr hier finden.
  • 42 Members
This group is to stop bulling and spread a closeness among people. Its also on social media so you can go on facebook, instagram, twitter, ect with the following #DramaFree and this will get recognized. Bullying is a worldwide issue and it needs to be solved one baby step at a time.
Little Project
Little Project
  • 7 Members
Das hier ist die Gruppe, die wir (nur solange, wie das projekt läuft) gründen, um uns um ein Video/Bild Teil austauschen zu können :) Wer nicht weiß, worum es geht: Wir wollen ein Bild oder vielleicht sogar ein Video gestalten für 1D, um zu zeigen, was wir von Hatern und den extremen Fans halten und wollen den Jungs zeigen, dass wir ihnen, auch wenn wir sie nicht wirklich live sehen trotzdem dankbar sind! Je mehr mitmachen, desto besser, vorallem wenn man einen Twitter account hat (nicht unbedingt notwendig, aber hilfreich) AUf werden vielleicht auch noch ein paar mitmachen, mit denen werde ich in Kontakt beliben :) Lg Trish (und Kathi)

FAQs (4)

BookRix Social Media
BookRix Social Media

If you want to stay updated on the latest BookRix news, add our social media channels to your network. As an author it’s important to gain visibility. We encourage our writers to tap into our existing resources to gain readers and fans. Here are our current stats:

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Book Info Page
Book Info Page

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Sharing books on your favorite social networks is made easy with the Share this Book button. Selecting this option allows you to share the book of your choice with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

Posts and Comments

If you want to tell the author what you thought of their book, you can do so by adding a comment on the Book Info page. You can share positive thoughts (careful not to leave spoilers), or even constructive feedback. Just click inside the comment box and begin typing. Readers can also comment on another users post as well as send the author a private message. This can be done by clicking the author’s name. You will be redirected to their Profile and can click Send Message to the right of their profile picture.

What is BookRix?
What is BookRix?

BookRix is a free self publishing platform that offers eBook distribution services to independent writers. Our users can share their writing, connect with other readers and discover new stories and authors – all in one place. Upon registration, a new account profile will be created for you. Your personal profile can be customized to your liking and is equipped with all the tools you will need to create your own eBooks, list your favorite literature, promote yourself as an author and publish your work to major online shops.

Technology is constantly in motion. Over the years it has changed the way we play our music, watch movies and discover new content. The freedom that technology offers has inspired us to create a company dedicated to providing independent writers with the means to publish their work without the restrictions traditional publishing houses impose. With that idea firmly planted in our minds, BookRix was born.

BookRix was the first book community to give their writers a platform to promote and sell their work on the web as a published eBook. In addition, indie reading enthusiasts are given access to a fast growing virtual library filled with unique content to read and share among their reading circles.

BookRix is free - plain and simple. We believe that everyone has a story to tell and with our self-publishing services, writers can fully explore their potential. On BookRix you can:

- Publish your eBooks and take pride in your accomplishment!

- Distribute and sell your eBook on major online shops and earn money

- Learn simple ways to market your eBook and become a successful indie author

- Discover other readers and writers with the same passion

- Search the community for interesting group discussions, writing tips and reading recommendations

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- Share your books with others via email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest

- Browse our virtual library for top rated books. New titles are added every day!

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Members who register for their profile without setting an age, or identifying themselves as under 18 will automatically have their Family Filter activated. This means any content marked “Adult Content Only” (18+), Horror and Erotic categories will not be displayed for them on our site. In addition, unregistered users will not have access to this content as there is no age verification.

If you are a registered member whose age is set to 18+, your family filter will automatically be deactivate. If you do not wish to view adult content on the site, you can enable the Family Filter on your profile.

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