All Search Results „passion“

647 search results were found for the search term „passion“.

Books (627)

Passion Passion

For: Kaleigh and Valerie. I will always be there for you two. Follow your dreams.

  • Performing Arts
  • English
  • 369 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 443
  • 2
Grace Hamilton has a passion of dancing but when her family says she as to stop, she does [more]

Keywords: Drama, Dance, Passion.

For Free

Maren G. Bergmann Passion
  • Biography & Autobiography
  • German
  • 900 Words
  • Ages 6 and up
  • 0
  • 0
Was ist meine Leidenschaft? Meine Passion? Mich bewegt etwas ganz Besonderes. Etwas, das ich mir aus meinem Leben [more]

Keywords: Musik,Tanz,Hobby,Leidenschaft,Passion,Kurzgeschichte

For Free

Diamond A. Jones Passion
  • Comics & Graphic Novels
  • English
  • 2018 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 33
  • 1
Passion owns a Motorcycle shop and needs a marketable business model to match her business approach. She has what it [more]

Keywords: comics, graphic novels, women, contemporary, motorcycles, bikers, sagas, business, entrepreneurs, investors, modern, thriller, action, drama, Series, Passion, adult graphic novel


Alfred Mignon Passion

Leid macht Freude

  • Poetry
  • German
  • 698 Words
  • Ages 10 and up
  • 554
  • 1
Über Maria von Magdala, zuerst zerstobene und doch wieder neu keimende Hoffnungen - verlorene Illusionen, grausames Leiden, bitteren [more]

Keywords: Maria, Magdala, Kreuzigung, Passion, Karfreitag, Leid, Freude, Blutvergießen, Opfer, Friede, Versöhnung, Kreuz, Hinrichtung, Erlösung, Hingabe

For Free

Forbidden Passion
Pierre d'Amour Forbidden Passion

Romeo and Juliet are still alive and in love!

  • Erotic
  • English
  • 12539 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 0
  • 0
A funny new version of the age-old drama, this time with a good sense of humour and without [more]

Keywords: Romeo, Juliet, drama, forbidden, passion, true love


Users (10)

  • German
  • German
  • German
  • English
Strong Passion
Strong Passion
  • German
Heey Ich bin Nicole^^ Ich bin 18 Jahre alt ,dann Lese und Schlafe ich gerne (wer nicht) *grins* Manchmal bin ich etwas verrückt aber nur bischen :D ok lasst mich mal nachdenken .....Ich bin zur hälfte Polin...ich weiß nicht mehr was ich schreiben soll ,wenn mir was wieder einfällt schreibe ich es hier rein 
ou das hab ich vergessen : Bin blond,groß,lange glatte haare so jetzt habt ihr eine beschreibung für facebook 

Groups (8)

The  Passion for writting
The Passion for writting
  • 17 Members
This is people who as passion for reading and writting. People who love a d likes it. Where you can share wha you want. Come and join
Love, Erotic & Passion/ Liebe, Erotik & Leidenschaft
Love, Erotic & Passion/ Liebe, Erotik & Leidenschaft
  • 163 Members
Liebe, Erotik und Leidenschaft Lasst Euch einfach inspirieren, wie die Liebe, die Erotik und die Leidenschaft Euer Alltagsleben bereichern kann. Viel Spaß auf meiner Gruppe! Vielleicht können wir so die Liebe, Lust und Leidenschaft in jedem einzelnen entfachen :) Kommentare sind erwünscht, solange sie nicht gegen die AGB & von Bookrix verstoßen. Diese Seite bitte erst ab 18 Jahren nutzen. _____________________________________________________ Love, eroticism and passion  Let yourself be inspired, like love, eroticism and passion can enrich your everyday life. Enjoy my group! Maybe we can so the love, lust and passion in each kindle :)  Comments are welcome as long as they do not violate the Terms of Use of Bookrix.  Please use this page only after 18 years.
Hyrules Heroes
Hyrules Heroes
  • 9 Members
For those who have a passion for or have heard and are interested join the heroes of Hyrule
Writing From the Heart
Writing From the Heart
  • 55 Members
This group is a group ONLY for people who write from the heart, not for people who write for greed. I even have a quote about it. "Writing is my passion; I will not let anyone get in between my passion and me unless it's my family or the LORD Himself. I have no care for the fact if anyone likes my writing or not. I write fiction using original ideas from my imagination, whilst I write nonfiction through diaries of my own. I don't write for money. I write since it's my passion. All of the writing I write is from the heart."
Objektiv betrachtet
Objektiv betrachtet
  • 6 Members
Fotografie als Hobby, als Passion, als Anschauungsweise. Hier dürfen Fotos vorgestellt, diskutiert und kritisiert werden. Jede/r begeisterte Fotograf/in ist herzlich eingeladen, sich daran zu beteiligen. Bei Interesse - bitte bei pen.the.silea melden!

FAQs (1)

What is BookRix?
What is BookRix?

BookRix is a free self publishing platform that offers eBook distribution services to independent writers. Our users can share their writing, connect with other readers and discover new stories and authors – all in one place. Upon registration, a new account profile will be created for you. Your personal profile can be customized to your liking and is equipped with all the tools you will need to create your own eBooks, list your favorite literature, promote yourself as an author and publish your work to major online shops.

Technology is constantly in motion. Over the years it has changed the way we play our music, watch movies and discover new content. The freedom that technology offers has inspired us to create a company dedicated to providing independent writers with the means to publish their work without the restrictions traditional publishing houses impose. With that idea firmly planted in our minds, BookRix was born.

BookRix was the first book community to give their writers a platform to promote and sell their work on the web as a published eBook. In addition, indie reading enthusiasts are given access to a fast growing virtual library filled with unique content to read and share among their reading circles.

BookRix is free - plain and simple. We believe that everyone has a story to tell and with our self-publishing services, writers can fully explore their potential. On BookRix you can:

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