All Search Results „action“

2253 search results were found for the search term „action“.

Books (2240)

Joan D. Vinge, Mike Cogan 80s ACTION


  • Mystery & Crime
  • German
  • 283011 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 78
  • 0
Die 1980er Jahre - ein Jahrzehnt erfüllt von unvergessener Musik, ebenso schrägen wie bunten Klamotten, die Zeit, als [more]

Keywords: Apex-Verlag, Krimi, Detektive, Horror, Science Fiction, SF, Action, Thriller, Roman, Romane, Sammelband, Bundle, Omnibus, Roman zm Film, Buch zum Film, Romane zum Film, 80er, 1980er, [more]


Action Front
Boyd Cable Action Front
  • Fiction
  • English
  • 65154 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 443
  • 2
In this classic work, the author tries to draw an image of WWI horrors through several short stories. [more]

Keywords: action front, boyd cable, war and warfare, war novel, world war one, trench warfare, true war stories, war


Action Front
Boyd Cable Ernest Andrew Ewart Action Front
  • Drama
  • English
  • 65229 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 2
  • 0
ACTION FRONT BY BOYD CABLE 1916 TO MR. J. A. SPENDER to whose recognition and appreciation of my work, and to whose instant and [more]

For Free

1000 Amazing Action Movie Facts
Tom Chapman 1000 Amazing Action Movie Facts
  • Performing Arts
  • English
  • 60998 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 118
  • 0
Think you know all there is to know about action movies? Well, think again.   1000 Amazing Action Movie [more]

Keywords: action movies, cult movies films, movie guides, cult movie book guide, hong kong action, greatest movies, james bond


4 Action Krimis
Martin Barkawitz 4 Action Krimis
  • Mystery & Crime
  • German
  • 144712 Words
  • Ages 16 and up
  • 60
  • 0
Der Inhalt dieses E-Books entspricht ca. 580 Taschenbuchseiten   Atemlose Krimispannung mit folgenden Romanen:   Amok in Amsterdam Brüssel Barbaren Frauentöter Killergirl   Der Autor Martin Barkawitz schreibt [more]

Keywords: Krimis und Thriller, Krimi Sammelband, Regionalkrimi, Detektivinnen, Sammelband, Action & Abenteuer, Krimi-Reihe, Kriminalromane, Krimis, Hamburg Krimi, Anthologien & Kurzgeschichten, Action, Krimi Anthologie, Amsterdam Krimi, Action Krimi, Abenteuer, Hamburg, Suspense


Users (1)

action biker
action biker
  • German
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Groups (4)

Action , Vampire und Lovestory :)
Action , Vampire und Lovestory :)
  • 33 Members
Action , Vampire und Lovestorys. eine gruppe für alle. Auch nachtakktive :) hier wird auch bei schreibblockaden geholfen^^
Lovestory, action & co.
Lovestory, action & co.
  • 206 Members
Hey Leute, ihr liebt es Geschichten zu schreiben jeglicher Art? Ihr mögt sowohl Liebesgeschichten als auch Action, Fantasy,...? Aber hier gibt es nur Gruppen mit den einzelnen Richtungen? Dann kommt in diese Gruppe! Lernt neue Freunde kennen und lest interessante und vor allem unterschiedliche Werke. Erfindet gemeinsam Geschichten, die eine neue Ära einleiten! mit freundlichen Grüßen Marie-Luis
ein wenig Action und Abenteuer auf Bookrix
ein wenig Action und Abenteuer auf Bookrix
  • 5 Members
So, ich habe jetzt 80 Seiten der Gruppen durchgesucht und bin auf folgendes gestosse Tausende von Fantasygruppen, besonders natürlich Vampire, RPG's, ein bisschen allerlei, aber nicht eine einzige Seite die sich um die Genren Action / Abenteuer kümmern. Daher ist diese Gruppe jetzt dafür da. Habt ihr irgendwelche Action-Heros, macht ihr FF nicht nur zu Bella und co? Oder Habt ihr keinen richtigen Platz wo ihr Eure Bücher vorstellen könnte, da sie weder als Hauptbestandteil Fantasy noch reine Liebesgeschichten, noch Sincefiction sind? Bücher die trotzdem spannend, abenteuerlich, und actiongeladen sind? Dann seid ihr hier richtig. Sprecht über eure Actionhelden, über Filme und Bücher aus der Kategorie, oder stellt eure Eigenen Bücher vor. (Sincefiction-Abenteuer/Action, Love&Action/Abenteuer u.ä. sind hier auch willkommen allerdings sollte der Action/Abenteuer-Anteil nicht zu kurz kommen
  • 9 Members
Jeder hat ein Buch, das einem besonders gut gefällt und bei dem man findet, es würde zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit bekommen. Hier könnt ihr Tipps miteinander austauschen. Egal ob Horror, Thriller, Liebe, Erotik, Action,... Egal ob Hetero oder Gay. Stellt den Anderen eure persönlichen Lesehighlights vor.
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FAQs (4)

I keep getting strange messages from people that want me to email them. What do I do?
I keep getting strange messages from people that want me to email them. What do I do?

If you see messages like this, please report them to BookRix with the username and the message from the "member" in question. There are scammers that prey on our members and we must all do our part to keep the site safe for everyone. DO NOT just ignore them and delete their message. Do your part to keep BookRix safe and report them right away. The sooner you report them, the less damage they can cause on BookRix.

You can contact BookRix anytime at But please remember to include a link to the offenders profile so we can locate them and take action.

What do I need to know about copyright infringement?
What do I need to know about copyright infringement?

This is a serious issue and can get you into a lot of trouble. BookRix is protected if a member violates copyright or plagiarism laws. It’s up to you, as a member, to protect yourself from getting sued and paying A LOT of money.

BookRix has been flagged with many members who are in violation. We have also been flagged by the individual authors and artists who have found their own work on BookRix. Some have taken legal action against the members who may have plagiarized their work or have used their art in books and covers.

If BookRix is notified, about books on your profile, that you do not own the rights to, they will be removed immediately. If this offense is continued, your account will be deleted without warning.

Below is what could happen to you if you break copyright laws.

Be smart and protect yourself. It’s your responsibility.

Monetary Damages

• If you are found guilty of deliberately breaking or "infringing" copyright law, the owner of the copyrighted material can sue you for monetary damages. Damages in this case means the amount of money the owner lost due to a lack of sales of their materials because you were offering it without copyright. For example, if the owner claims and can prove a loss of $15,000, he can sue you for that sum.

Statutory Damages

• You may also have to pay statutory damages based on the value of each movie, piece of music or other material for which you broke the copyright. "Willful infringement"--meaning that you deliberately stole copyrighted material--can cost you $900 to $300,000 per work stolen. "Innocent infringement," in which you are deemed to have done the copyright breaking without intent, can still cost you $300 to $150,000 in statutory damages.


• Judges can also impose fines on individuals convicted of copyright infringement. According to the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005, individuals convicted of peer-to-peer sharing of movies, music or other materials worth up to $1,000 in a 6-month period can be given fines of $2,000 per infringement. Convicted individuals can also be banned from file-sharing sites or the entire Internet by injunctions, or orders, from a judge. Repeat offenders, or individuals or companies who are stealing copyrighted materials and selling them for profit, can be fined up to $1,000,000.

Edit Book Content
Edit Book Content

Edit Book Content will take you to the BookRix editor where you can either upload a file or add text directly.

How to upload a file

BookRix makes it easy for you to upload your work to our site. If you already have a file in your computer, you can use the File Upload button which inserts the text into in our BookRix Editor. Currently we support the following formats: .doc, .docx, .odt, txt, .rtf, .epub. To make things even simpler, if you use the Heading feature in Microsoft Word, the heading text will automatically be converted into chapter titles. You can also include images in the file you are uploading.

Once you’ve uploaded your file, you can use our BookRix editor to make updates, modify your text or add new chapters to your book. Please see the section below for more information regarding our BookRix editor.

Important: If you choose to edit an existing book and decide to upload an additional file, it will replace all the previously stored book content.

Tip: To help you create a perfect ePub file and prevent getting your eBook rejected from sale, please carefully read through our ePub Style Guide

How to Use Our BookRix Editor

The best thing about our BookRix Editor is that it’s so simple to use. If you want to create your book from scratch, click the Type in Content button to begin using the BookRix Editor. This is the same page you would see after selecting file upload.

In this section, you can Add New Chapter, Delete chapters (select the trash can icon) and even change the order of your chapters. This can be done by dragging the arrow button near the Chapter numbers up or down.

Once text has been added to the chapter field, you can make other changes using the tool bar. Options from left to right: Alter text with Bold, Italic, and Underline; Change text alignment from left (default), center or right; Undo or redo an action; Add an image or link; Show/hide block elements (this displays each time of text inside a block). If you aren’t sure what a tool is used for, simply hover your mouse over the icon and a description will appear.

Tip:  Always save your changes.

Rejection Prevention
Rejection Prevention

Rejection Prevention - BookRix, as well as external shops, have quality control over the books placed for sale. Books that don't pass quality inspection will be rejected. When this occurs, they are not sent for distribution to our external shops and they cannot be purchased.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent your eBook from being rejected:


Put some effort into your eBook cover. A great cover can sell twice as many eBooks than one with a poor cover. It’s the first thing your reader sees and it’s often the first thing you book is judged on.

Be sure the images used on your cover (as well as images used inside your eBook) belong to you and are not protected by copyright. If you are unsure, we strongly recommend creating your own cover art or soliciting someone to create a cover for you.

Using a high quality image is essential for your book cover. Avoid images that are too small as these images can appear pixilated when enlarged for your book cover. Also avoid using images that contain text as it can conflict  with the title of your book and look unprofessional.

Hate messages and/or symbols, sexually explicit images or images containing illegal activity are not permitted.

If you are looking for graphic programs, ideas, tips or even someone to create a cover for you, check out our Art Writers group on BookRix:

For more helpful information about covers, please click here:

Grammar & Spelling

Good writing involves proper grammar and accurate spelling.

We recommend that you have various readers review your work prior to publishing it. These “test readers” should check specifically for grammar and spelling. Your book will be rejected if it’s poorly written, appears confusing or has too many spelling and grammatical errors.

If you need assistance editing your eBook, please join our “Editing 101” group here: and our members can help you further.

If you feel as though you need some additional assistance, we encourage you to check out our Publishing Tips and Tricks series. Part 7 focuses specifically on spelling, grammar and typos. You can read it for free here:

Blurb / Book Description

First impressions matter.

When a potential reader views your book, the first thing they read after the title is your book description. Don’t overlook this step. You want to entice your reader by being creative and using descriptive words. Focus on what you want to say, choose your sentences carefully, and make it count.

Books with generic or weak blurbs can be rejected. Put some thought this space. You have a minimum of 140 characters and a maximum of 3000. If you need some inspiration or ideas, look up some of your favorite books and read the synopsis.

Copyrighted Text / Images

If the image is not owned by you, or you have not received permission from the owner to use the image, don’t use it.

Books containing copyrighted material (text and/or images) will be rejected. If you do not own the rights to it, you are not authorized to upload it. Any copyright violation made by a BookRix member is their own responsibility and legal action can be taken by the copyright holder against you.

Author Name, Pen names and Anonymity

To prevent your book from being rejected in external shops like Kobo, iTunes and Amazon, a first and last name are required. A pen name can be chosen, however it must be a first and last name and cannot contain titles such as PhD, Mr., etc.

Table of Contents & Page Numbers

These are automatic. Manual input is not necessary.

A table of contents is automatically generated for your book (with a minimum of cover, body of your text and the imprint), when the chapter feature is used, and you will not need to create an additional table of contents. If you enabled the Chapter function and entered a table of contents manually in your text area, please remove the manual table of contents as this can cause your eBook to be rejected.

Page numbers are automatically inserted into ePub files and eReaders. Please remove manually inserted page numbers in your text, as having them can cause your eBook to be rejected.

External Links/ Shop Names

Avoid a conflict of interest.

Your eBook will be rejected from external shops if you post links to books and/or products within your book. In addition, you are not permitted to mention names of online shops. Books containing names to online shops, such as iTunes or Barnes & Noble, will also be rejected.

Authors are free to insert links to their author page, sources for education and finance, help sites, businesses, etc., However “Direct-to-buy” links are not permitted.

Word, Line, & Page Breaks / Formatting

Presentation is everything.

Words on a page attract a reader but the way they are laid out on a page is equally important. The formatting of your eBook is essential to it being well received.

Most external shops have formatting standards that they require all authors to abide by. Stores like iTunes will reject books that have more than 2 line breaks and/or page breaks. This extra spaceing can cause blank pages in an eReader. Colored or bold fonts can also cause a book to be rejected.

Most eReaders are designed to break words for you. When a word at the end of a line doesn’t fit properly, don’t worry. Continue typing and the BookRix  editor will break a word when necessary. This also applies to hitting the “Enter” key on your keyboard and manually breaking a word. Doing this will distort your text and can cause your eBook to be rejected.

Keep it classic and clean and don't use the "Enter" key in excess as this will minimize your chances of getting rejected from the external shops.

Hate Messages

Hatred is not permitted.

Books containing hate messages directed to any race, ethnicity, gender, political party, religion, etc., will be rejected unless depicted in the plot of the story.

Illegal Activity

Illegal activity is not permitted.

Books containing illegal activity such as pedophilia, how-to’s for crimes, etc., will be rejected unless depicted in the plot of the story.

Book Pricing

Determine the appropriate price for your eBook.

A good thing to consider when pricing your book is the number of pages it contains. For example, if you penned a short story and intend to sell it for a high dollar amount, a potential buyer could be turned off by the price. If your book is priced too high, you may receive a message from us encouraging you to adjust it.

For helpful tips about pricing your book, please click here:

Click below for more Publishing Tips and Tricks:

Become Active
Link Cleverly, Earn More Money
The Power of the Cover
The First Words Matter
Choose a Good Title
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Typos? Type No’s!
The Book Blog
Become Active on BookRix
Pricing Your Book

HERE for our ePub style guide that will help you prevent your eBook from rejection

Click HERE for Marketing Tips that will help your book get noticed

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