Groups „change“

11 groups were found for the search term „change“.

Groups (11)

  • 3 Members
What?! No groups for Brooklyn 99?! Well I'll change that. Join if u love the E4 series Brooklyn99.
The Magic Makers
The Magic Makers
  • 6 Members
We are on a mission to change the world and inspire people we think that anything can happen if you belive it can
  • 21 Members
Hey! Thanks for joing my group here are some of the team (or groups) names: Blood Thirsty (vampire) Meat (werewolf) hungry for both (both of the above) Magic (fairy) Evil (evil fairy) Goodbad (both of the fairy) HIA(All of the above) Andorid(they are like zombies, but robots) Crafting (witch) Shapeshifter (uses magicly training to change themselves and other things)
  • 39 Members
Love Fantasy books? well then this is a good group for you! you can share ideas, suggestions, comments, thoughts whatever you want! if your writing a fantasy book and if you need help people in this group can help you! even if you dont like fantasy, join this group it might change your mind.
TIRANATH - book lottery
TIRANATH - book lottery
  • 4 Members
Dear sci fi & dystopia readers! As a little gift to the Bookrix community, I'd like to raffle 5 ebooks of my sci fi novella TIRANATH. TIRANATH #1 is about the scientist Camil who starts working on a new genetic project. When he begins with his researches, he has no clue about the following consequences. A reading extract can be found on amazon/bookrix. If you are interested in winning a free copy and reading the whole story of Camil, please answer the following question and post your answer in this group: If you are able to change one thing forever, what would you change? Your answer must be submitted until: 19. September 2014 If there are over 5 entries, I will chose the winners randomly. I'm looking forward to your answer :) Ronia.
Super-Collab (Full) (All further applications will be rejected)
Super-Collab (Full) (All further applications will be rejected)
  • 2 Members
(My basic idea for it at the moment. It will probably change) The magazine FC Gazette is quite a popular magazine in the world of authors, it contains all the latest news, writing techniques, hints, tips and interviews with famous authors. But, most of its popularity lie in the fact that it is unique. The four young adults that write the magazine are just as unique. While their relationship may seem rocky at times, their crazy lives depend on it.
dragkonian academy
dragkonian academy
  • 7 Members
dragon and human hybrid thats a dragkonian a dragkonian acedemy be a dragon writer or a dragon trainer or a normal dragon normal dragon elements fire-ice,fire,ice,dark fire, dark ice, light fire,light ice,dark,ice for administrators you can be teller guard a high honor and soon if yuo write and have 100 veiws own make us a group series if you are moderator you can be the teller you control the whole group every week we change moderators.
Brains For Hire
Brains For Hire
  • 8 Members
In this group, you can ask other people for any of the following services: creating a cover, editing, advertising, or just getting recommendations on books. It can also be a way to find new friends and get basic help on how to do things. At the moment, it's just me giving out help to people, but I hope that will change soon! (P.S.DESPITE THE NAME NO MONEY WILL BE EXCHANGED FOR SERVICES!)
fantasyfan1´s Bücher und sonstige scheiße :D
fantasyfan1´s Bücher und sonstige scheiße :D
  • 49 Members
Soooo, jetzt hab ich auch mal eine Gruppe auf gemacht :) da es einige ja nervt ständig werbung oder so zu bekommen :D wer eines meiner Bücher liest erfährt hier infos, z.B. wenn es weiter geht oder so :D und ansonsten könnt ihr hier auch gerne mal eure bücher vorstellen, oder über irgendetwas labern was jetzt nichts mit den büchern zu tun hat :) Die Gruppe ist nur für die FF's: - This is my life? I want to change... (und den zweiten Teil: Forever and always - Through the good and bad times) - Goodbye... I miss you ♥ und - Why? I hate you... NOT (Bei meinen Fantasybüchern werde ich einfach eine Rundmail schreiben^^)
The ChatterBox
The ChatterBox
  • 59 Members
This is a place where you can chat off i like it cause when i feel like it i will change the subject right in the middle of another conversation. It is funny cause the other people are like who is that crazy person who did that. Okay. Enough with the chat, I do not acknowledge swear words or inappropriate stuff. If you arejoking and say something to someone that might be transmitted as mean and rude say jk after. Anyway Thanx and BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOL

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