FAQ change

Es wurden 12 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „change“ gefunden.

FAQs (12)

Can I change the price of my book after I have put it up for sale?
Can I change the price of my book after I have put it up for sale?

Yes! Log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. Your book will be placed in "revise" mode by the end of the following business day. An email confirmation will be sent once your books is ready for changes. When you have been notified that your book is in "revise" mode, simply follow the steps for selling your book in all shops. You will then be asked to set the price of your book. Once you have selected the new price, simply resubmit it for sale. BookRix will review your changes and forward the newest version of your ebook price to our online shops.

Please note that it may take a few days for the new price to be reflected in our online shops.

Can I still change my BookRix book after it is created/uploaded?
Can I still change my BookRix book after it is created/uploaded?

Whether your book has been submitted for publishing and is pending BookRix approval or it’s already available for purchase in our online shops, you can still make edits. To do this, log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. All revision requests will be completed by the end of the following business day. If your book is currently being sold in online shops, it will remain there. Once you have updated and saved your book edits, please submit it for sale. BookRix will then send the newest version to our online shops.

Can I sell a book via BookRix if I already have it for sale with another publishing company?
Can I sell a book via BookRix if I already have it for sale with another publishing company?

Technically speaking, No. Writers cannot publish an identical book with more than one publisher. THe author must make a change to the book to justify a new ISBN being issued and identify the book as a “New edition”. Once this change has been made, the writer can upload and sell their book via BookRix Self-Publishing services.

I noticed that the price of my book is different on some of the outside markets from the price that I set through BookRix. Why is this?
I noticed that the price of my book is different on some of the outside markets from the price that I set through BookRix. Why is this?

The price difference could be the Value Added Tax (VAT) but some of the other markets have the ability to change the price of your book. Don't be alarmed. The set margin of your book, established through BookRix, will still be the same.

I changed my profile picture but it’s not showing up as being changed everywhere. What am I doing wrong?
I changed my profile picture but it’s not showing up as being changed everywhere. What am I doing wrong?

It’s not you, it’s your Browser Cache.

BookRix receives many questions regarding images on BookRix that may be changed in some places but not all places. For example, if you change your profile picture, you may see the change in postings but still see the old picture on your profile page. This is because your browser cache holds onto images for faster loading and when a change is made, this could take some time for the system to catch up with the change.

So the best way to fix this problem is to clear your web browser cache. To do this, go to Google and type in "How to clear browser cache using (enter your web browser here)". Follow the instructions provided, close your browser, reopen your BookRix account and see if your changes have taken effect. They should be there now!

Here's more information about browser caches:

What is "browser cache"?

Your browser (Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.—whatever application you use to surf the web) has a folder in which certain items that have been downloaded are stored for future access. Graphic images (such as buttons, banners, icons, advertising, graphs, and color bars), photographs, and even entire web pages are examples of cache items. When going to a page on a website, your computer will check its cache folder first to see if it already has those images and, if so, it won't take the time to download them again. This makes for a faster loading of the page. Cache folders can get quite large, however, and can occupy 40-to-50-to-100 megabytes or more of hard drive space, storing graphics for sites you may never visit again, so it may be wise for those with storage concerns to empty the cache periodically. That will also enable the browser to access updated web pages without the older cache item interfering.

Book Info Page
Book Info Page

Some books are listed for free, while others have been published with sale price. After reviewing a book, you have some options to choose from within the book info page. You can add it to your favorites, share the book on your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest), and add a comment for the author.

Buy this Book

If you read through the blurb and enjoyed the reading sample, you can take it a step further and buy the book if the author has listed it for sale. Purchasing a book is a simple process. You should see links to our online shops on this page (Amazon, iTunes, Barnes& Noble, Google Play). By clicking any of these links, you will be redirected to book purchase page of the corresponding website.

Add/Remove Favorites

Adding a book to your favorites is easy. Just click the Add to Favorites button on the Book Info page. A green confirmation bar will temporarily appear at the top of your screen. Once a book is added it can be retrieved by viewing Favorites within your Profile page. When a book has been successfully added, the text Add to Favorites will change to In Favorites. When you favorite a book, two things happen: 1. The book is moved to your profile so you can read it later, and 2. A notification is sent to the author informing them that you have marked their book as a favorite. Authors love to see that their books are being read and saved. Should you change your mind, and want to remove a book from your favorites, simply visit the Book Info page and hover over the text In Favorites. The text will change to Remove from Favorites. Click this option and you will be asked to confirm the removal of the book from your favorites list.

Share this Book

Sharing books on your favorite social networks is made easy with the Share this Book button. Selecting this option allows you to share the book of your choice with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

Posts and Comments

If you want to tell the author what you thought of their book, you can do so by adding a comment on the Book Info page. You can share positive thoughts (careful not to leave spoilers), or even constructive feedback. Just click inside the comment box and begin typing. Readers can also comment on another users post as well as send the author a private message. This can be done by clicking the author’s name. You will be redirected to their Profile and can click Send Message to the right of their profile picture.

About our Self-Publishing Service
About our Self-Publishing Service

Our self publishing services make it easy to turn your book into an ePub file on our site and sell it to the world at no cost. Here are some details worth noting:

- The author contract between yourself and BookRix is clear, easy to understand and can be cancelled at any time

- You receive a minimum of 70% in revenue, from what BookRix earns, on each book that you sell

- An ISBN* is automatically generated for each eBook you submit for publication

- You determine the price or your eBook

- Your eBook will be distributed to major online eBook retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iTunes, Google Play, and many more, with just one click of a button

- Royalties are paid out every month when the minimum of 10 Euros/approximately $14 US dollars, has been reached

- You can change, edit and add to your book even after it has been placed for sale.

*an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique number assigned to a book title by its publisher for tracking and ordering purposes

My Account Details
My Account Details

Account Information

Here you can create a display name, change your email address and update your password. Please note display names can only be changed once every 3 months

Account Settings

Change your settings for the family filter, newsletter, system messages and personal messages.

Tip: Family filter setting: This setting is designed to protect minors on our site from viewing content that is not suitable for their age group. It can also be utilized by adults who do not want to view Horror or Erotic content on BookRix.

Members who register for their profile without setting an age, or identifying themselves as under 18 will automatically have their Family Filter activated. This means any content marked “Adult Content Only” (18+), Horror and Erotic categories will not be displayed for them on our site. In addition, unregistered users will not have access to this content as there is no age verification.

If you are a registered member whose age is set to 18+, your family filter will automatically be deactivate. If you do not wish to view adult content on the site, you can enable the Family Filter on your profile.

Address & Account Information for Book Sales

Here is where you would enter your personal address, PayPal account info, and  your tax info.

This area is mandatory to be filled out in order to receive your royalty payouts.

Linked Accounts

To simplify things, BookRix has enabled the share feature across our site. Members can easily share content from BookRix with their external Twitter, Facebook, and Google+  profiles with the click of a button.

Sales Figures

You can find sales figures for your books (individually or by shop) as well as your sales revenue. The figures are updated monthly.

Blocked Users

You can search here for any users you have previously blocked and unblock them (if you choose) in this field.

Delete Account

If you have utilized our self publishing services you will not be able to delete your account right away. You will need to stop the sale of your eBook(s) and wait for the next royalty pay period to receive any royalties owed to you.

Edit Book Content
Edit Book Content

Edit Book Content will take you to the BookRix editor where you can either upload a file or add text directly.

How to upload a file

BookRix makes it easy for you to upload your work to our site. If you already have a file in your computer, you can use the File Upload button which inserts the text into in our BookRix Editor. Currently we support the following formats: .doc, .docx, .odt, txt, .rtf, .epub. To make things even simpler, if you use the Heading feature in Microsoft Word, the heading text will automatically be converted into chapter titles. You can also include images in the file you are uploading.

Once you’ve uploaded your file, you can use our BookRix editor to make updates, modify your text or add new chapters to your book. Please see the section below for more information regarding our BookRix editor.

Important: If you choose to edit an existing book and decide to upload an additional file, it will replace all the previously stored book content.

Tip: To help you create a perfect ePub file and prevent getting your eBook rejected from sale, please carefully read through our ePub Style Guide

How to Use Our BookRix Editor

The best thing about our BookRix Editor is that it’s so simple to use. If you want to create your book from scratch, click the Type in Content button to begin using the BookRix Editor. This is the same page you would see after selecting file upload.

In this section, you can Add New Chapter, Delete chapters (select the trash can icon) and even change the order of your chapters. This can be done by dragging the arrow button near the Chapter numbers up or down.

Once text has been added to the chapter field, you can make other changes using the tool bar. Options from left to right: Alter text with Bold, Italic, and Underline; Change text alignment from left (default), center or right; Undo or redo an action; Add an image or link; Show/hide block elements (this displays each time of text inside a block). If you aren’t sure what a tool is used for, simply hover your mouse over the icon and a description will appear.

Tip:  Always save your changes.

Sell Your eBook
Sell Your eBook

Ok, so you’ve made all the necessary edits and spell checks. You’ve uploaded a high quality cover, and you’ve completed all the items within our Rejection Prevention section. Now you're ready to sell your eBook!

Once you have filled out all the required information in the Book Content, Book Info and Book Cover sections, please select All Shops* and then click Sell Book. Choose your sale price, check the box that you have read our Author Agreement, and then click Sell Book.You can also change which currency your book is sold in.

If any information is missing within the required fields, you will receive an alert indicating which sections require your attention. A pink line surrounding the Edit Book Content, Edit Book Info and/or Edit Cover buttons will direct you to the appropriate area.

*Remember - If you have already sold your eBook on Amazon, we will need the ASIN number associated with your ebook on their site in order to proceed.

Important: Your personal information within My Account Details must be complete in order for BookRix to successfully send your royalty payment.

Tip: If you are having any difficulty with your book formatting, please read through our ePub Style Guide

Tip: For tips on how to market your eBook, please visit our Marketing Guide.

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