Groups „brain“

8 groups were found for the search term „brain“.

Groups (8)

Writers with Autism
Writers with Autism
  • 7 Members
Are you autistic? Autism means your brain works differently to normal people's. It means... sometimes, you're really sensitive. But, you're creative aswell. Autistic writers... UNITE!
Ein Arsch aus Überzeugung!
Ein Arsch aus Überzeugung!
  • 21 Members
Alles rund um Julian, David, Brain (natürlich auch Akira ;D)und den ganzen rest :3 Ich hoffe ihr habt an der Gruppe und an ihnen euren spaß xD
Nature Garden
Nature Garden
  • 7 Members
I love animals and I know other people do. We discuss science and animals. Don't worry we don't protest on animal rights we just help our brain discover more about nature.
Poetry and me
Poetry and me
  • 5 Members
For anyone who loves to share wisdom and knowledge Come join us and tell us what the thought of today is bring a sense of humor but leave your brain at the door
The Game Room
The Game Room
  • 177 Members
Welcome to The Game Room! Feel free to start your own game or participate in one already created. We all like a little challenge or sometimes a fun break form writing. Why not give your brain some exercise and find a game that interests you?
Write Brained
Write Brained
  • 87 Members
Real Writers, Right Here. Indulge your brain and let your imagination run rampant through the streets. If you want to be published, or you have already been, but still need a few hints and tips, this is the group for you. All gain, no (or little ;P ) pain, and tons of help from kind friends. Enjoy!
The Broken Hearts Club
The Broken Hearts Club
I need emotion, Novocaine, I need a numbing of my brain I need somethin' to take away the remains of your name I need amnesia for a day and an umbrella for the rain That hasn't gone away since you said you didn't need me...
  • 8 Members
I dedicate this idea to Jazzy (stormstar1) I did not copy her idea, I love her ideas, and she has a great scense of humor. Unfortunately, I'm scared that she might say I copied her idea, but I love jokes a lot and I want to be a group moderator. Anyways, Laugh your A off with this group! Jokes and Riddles to Funny Stories and Embarrassing moments you always laugh at to Hilarious poems or whatever your brain decides to do. SO LYAO (laugh your A off) with this silly, humorous, hilarious group of comedians today! No purchase necessarily, many will enter, everyone will win :3 Hope you like the photo! PEACE, LOVE, AND SNACKS! TOODLES, ~Lala
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