The Inheritance Cycle

  • 34 Members
  • 7 Posts
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  • Group Language: English
This a place where fans of Eragon can come together to talk about it. Also, to read any posted fanfictions and generally talk. Anyone is welcome to join, since its just starting out.


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Fan-Fiction Contest By: RevkenR
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Missing the contests that the staff used to host? Wish there was some way to get feedback from experienced writers? Scribes of the Round Table is dedicated to the users, to make up for the loss of our English-speaking administrators and the almost non-existent attention that the staff gives to the English side of the site. All are welcome and encouraged to join!
Our first contest, Choose Your Own Fan-Fiction, is underway,... Show more

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Hi! I was wondering-i have a friend who seems to thin kthat the movie is better then the book (wh... By: akizakura
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Hi! I was wondering-i have a friend who seems to thin kthat the movie is better then the book (whatever.) I was just wondering you guys and galls opinions! :)

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Hey,guys! if you love the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hutner and cant find a good warriors RPG si... By: melmmhs94
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Hey,guys! if you love the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hutner and cant find a good warriors RPG site, then the wait and frustration is over! come over to this site and, if you arent already, sign up then apply to be a writer. once youve been accepted, you can choose a clan and post your cats info on your clans page in a new thread. yes, multiple cats is acceptable. i made an apprentice and her mentor and the creator is... Show more

Hey, guys! So now that summer vacation begins tomorrow, im gonna be writing and finishing ALL of ... By: melmmhs94
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Hey, guys!
So now that summer vacation begins tomorrow, im gonna be writing and finishing ALL of my books this summer, starting tonight. Ive been writing a lot of Kvistr and Adurna lately as i wait for other students to finish their finals, so im going to be updating both of those tonight. I havent really written a lot for Kvistr where the book leaves off, more in the future like the final two scenes, but i do have at least... Show more


okay, so its not going as well as i thought it would. i totally forgot i had my ASL expressive half of the final due tomorow and i have to sign a song and i hadnt even started to practice it yet so i did that for a couple hours and i can barely type this but i still gotta get my... Show more


Well, its summer and i am bone tired!!
i had to sing at graduation today with the rest of the choir, which took about five hours of preparations and crash-rehearsing, then another hour of listening to an uncountable number of speeches and then at least thirty minutes of watching... Show more

I know this isn't related to the inheritance cycle besides the dragons and rider but well here is... By: skysky.bluestar
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I know this isn't related to the inheritance cycle besides the dragons and rider but well here is the first ever dragon I have drawn on the computer. Her name is Blacknight

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wow. Looks great, Sky!! I really like the extra characteristics youve added to her, the scars by her eyes and the horns. Very nice!!!

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hey, everyone!
Guess what? ADURNA CAN NOW BE READ BY THE MEMBERS OF THE INHERITANCE CYCLE GROUP!!! so come on down and get a sneak peak at Kvistr's sequel and comment on it! PLEASE comment! i need comments more than I do hearts.

Melissa Nichols

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Inheritance Cycle group. This is my first group, that ive create... By: melmmhs94
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Inheritance Cycle group.
This is my first group, that ive created, so forgive me. Im still learning my way.
To help get us started, I have posted my own Eragon fanfiction, Kvistr. It takes place one hundred years after the end of Inheritance. Its about a girl, Melody, and her adventures in life. im not very fond of Kvistr, cuz all its doing s laying the foundation for the sequeal, Adurna, where... Show more

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i have all four as well. i own brisingr and inheritance but my brother owns eragon and eldest. hell let me read them from time to time, for research or just so i can re-read the series. im not sure im going to again. i mean, now that the series is ended, there isnt anymore... Show more

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I'm Ashley or shadows137. I LOVE The Inheritance Cycle, but I've only read Eragon. :-( I Loved Kvistr! Its the only fanfiction I've really liked out of anything I've ever read of fanfic for anything else.


thank you, Ashley! Im glad you liked it. There isnt much plot to Kvistr besides introducing Melody and the laying the foundation for the rest of the series, primarily Adurna, the sequel, but im still glad you liked it. Im trying to get it so only the Inheritance cycle group can... Show more

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