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Hello Dearest,

it's my pleasure meeting you. My name is Lt. Gen. Kenneth. I am US military officer. I will like to get acquainted with you. I am romantic and fun to be with. I read your profile and I really wish to indicate my interest to you. I'm looking for genuine and meaningful intimate relationships with love, passion and romance. Please I'll be glad if you send me an email at my private email address... Show more

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I'd greatly appreciate you joining The Book Club (public), which has none of the pressure the other group I made has. This is essentially what it offers, though it asks nothing of you:
• Weekly writing tips.
• Free critique offered.
• Each week an opportunity to get free in depth critique or promotion for any of your books.
• Contests once there are enough members.

The Book Club (Public.) This groups intended goal is to bring writers together, encourage writing well, provide tips for writing, and potentially hold contests. Please follow us on twitter for updates, announcements, and random valuable information: If you have a question of any kind, at all related to writing, ask it. EX. Different routes for publishing? How to advertise? How do I write...
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L. Avery Brown

Hi dee ho, sweetie pie! Just checking up on my favorite Tae Kwon Do dude! :o)


Thanks for thinking about me. It made my day! And congrats on the good news about Jess. I know she will do well in her auditions.


L. Avery Brown

Thank so much! Glad your day was made! :o)

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Deleted User

Thank you for the request :)

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Sorry bout getting back not earlier.
We worked last night and got back late during our first major snowstorm. I needed to think of how to reply to what you wrote. Today was still snowing...needed to clear our large drive way...still snowing. Also our bathroom fan stopped working. Tried to fix the motor, but to no avail. So, I went and bought a whole new one. It's installed but need to cover up the hole, which is bigger now... Show more

1 Comment

PS...How's your hand? Now if a brick or plank of wood attacks you in a dark alley, you got the 'upper hand'.

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S.P. Johnson Jr.

Were we not already friends?

1 Comment

I thought so, but when I looked at your profile page it asked if I wanted to so I did.

We have been friends for some time, now it is just official. :o)

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Ariana Suzanne

So, a few months ago you commented on my book of poetry. The title has changed a couple of times since then, and I've added more poems. You asked me to keep you updated, (which I haven't done, I apologize, then again, I did very little work on it during the summer), and so here it is. I was just wondering if you would take the time to read the new additions, and maybe critique them. Poetry is one of my passions. If you have... Show more

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Ariana Suzanne

So, a few months ago you commented on my book of poetry. The title has changed a couple of times since then, and I've added more poems. You asked me to keep you updated, (which I haven't done, I apologize, then again, I did very little work on it during the summer), and so here it is. I was just wondering if you would take the time to read the new additions, and maybe critique them. Poetry is one of my passions. If you have... Show more

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