When the Ants go Marching.

User: RevkenR
When the Ants go Marching.
This is the last chance for John wise to get a big corporation interested in his invention. So he has pulled out all the stops. He even dropped the name of a leader in the industry without asking permission. But he figured if it got him in the door the invention would sell itself.

Now all he has to do is get Mr Kendrick interested enough to give him a second interview with the board.

Ants, DNA x Computers
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I love this story, Ken, as it provides so much food for thought:

1. The premise - The very idea that computers that were built by man to serve them could actually cause their destruction is scary in itself.

2. The outcome - Shows us that man is not top of the food chain, as many would like to believe, but instead an integral part its cycle, which is scarier still.

Important Post

I enjoyed the short story quite a bit. I think it reflects well the current state of the world, where innovation is something many lust for, but we innovate faster than we think. John underestimated how dangerous his invention was, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of what getting it out into the world would be, he only wanted to get it out there.

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