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Books (18)
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MACHINE LEARNING by Mulayam Singh – download eBook - buy book The Evolution of Data Science and the Information Age.Data science is a large umbrella time period that encompasses a variety of disciplines and standards which includes big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), data mining and machine learning. The self-discipline of analyzing giant volumes of data recognized as ‘data science’, is relatively new and has grown hand-in-hand with the improvement and widespread adoption of computers. Prior to computers, records used to be calculated and processed by hand underneath the umbrella of ‘statistics’ or what we would possibly now refer to as ‘classical statistics’. Baseball batting averages, for example, existed properly earlier than the creation of computers. Anyone with a pencil, notepad and primary arithmetic abilities could calculate Babe Ruth’s batting common over a season with the useful resource of classical statistics. The method of calculating a batting common concerned the dedication of time to accumulate and assessment batting sheets, and the software of addition and division. The key factor to...
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RIP by Mulayam Singh – download eBook - buy book RIP stands for Routing Information Protocol that is an old distance vector routing protocol. It permits the usage of maximum 15 routers for hop count as it is distance vector. RIP has 2 versions. First syncs with full updates every 30 seconds by using doing broadcast. Fews updates and brought about are performed by using 2nd version by the usage of multicast. If we evaluate different routing protocols like OSPF, EIGRP and IS-IS. RIP is quite slow protocol. Because of this, RIP is now not used generally by using networking administrations however its understanding is very important if your beginner in the networking field. In this lesson, we will study basic and advance topics of Routing Information Protocols.
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Network with Practical by MULAYAM SINGH – download eBook - buy book Packet Tracer is a cross-platform visual simulation tool that allows users to create network topologies and imitate modern computer networks. The software allows users to simulate the configuration of Cisco routers and switches using a simulated command line interface
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SET UP INDIVIDUAL BUISINESS by Mulayam Singh – download eBook - buy book For those of you who need assets to contribute however who, all things considered, need to possess and maintain your very own business, the open doors are more confined than for those with a sensible single amount accessible and the resources for bank borrowings. Practically any business, be that as it may, requires some speculation. This is as a rule as pay penance for a while until the business is ready for action, or you may need to apportion some portion of your home to the business for use as an office, studio or counselling room, and so forth. The business openings are probably going to be limited to those that offer assistance as opposed to an item, as items cost cash to stock and convey. For those of you who come up short on the assets to contribute, all things considered, you will offer help, in view of your own abilities, despite the fact that it might be conceivable to go about as a business specialist and sell others' items or to exchange on the web. At this stage, be that as it may, we will discuss services.
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Enlarge Passive Income by Mulayam Singh – download eBook - buy book   The absolute best exhortation I learned at an opportune time was don't attempt to be everything to all individuals since it ordinarily implies you are not excellent at any a certain something. Thusly, I accept that it is a misstep to take on extensive help contributions, create items outside your customary range of familiarity or grow outside of your objective markets just to make a couple of additional bucks. At the point when you do that, you risk your actual solidarity to concentrate on what you may not be effective at and make fix pressures for your group, your spending limits, and your organization in general.   1. Remain concentrated on the prize.   We have constantly attempted to be exceptionally vital in our way to deal with development. We set multi-year field-tested strategies, track against those plans, and adjust them when fundamental. I accept that in the event that you don't set objectives you have no chance to get of estimating yourself, your group and your organization against some pre-decided...
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Healthy Life Style Health and Nutrition by Mulayam Singh – download eBook - buy book At the point when we are healthy, we have the vitality, want, the uplifting frame of mind and, most significantly, the capacity to do the things that are generally critical to us. Not exclusively can we do them, we can do them well. At the point when we are run down, we lose the centre and want and end up not arriving at our objectives. Regardless of whether it's in the work environment, at home, at the chapel, or doing a side interest, being healthy causes you be your best.
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Cisco Packet Tracer Labs( First Technology book)

Network topology is the arrangement of the elements of a communication network. Network topology can be used to define or describe the arrangement of various types of telecommunication networks, including command and control radio networks, industrial field busses and computer networks

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Cisco Packet Tracer Labs by Mulayam Singh – download eBook - buy book Network topology is the arrangement of the elements of a communication network. Network topology can be used to define or describe the arrangement of various types of telecommunication networks, including command and control radio networks, industrial field busses and computer networks
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The internet has revolutionised the way we work. Workplaces and jobs are not what they used to be. Long gone are the days when everything is done by humans, and paper is the only way of communication. Truth is, the digital economy is booming. Over the next coming years, you’ll most likely either be self-employed, making a living online, or running your own online business OR working for someone... Show more

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20 WAYS TO EARN ONLINE MONEY by Mulayam Singh – download eBook - buy book The internet has revolutionised the way we work. Workplaces and jobs are not what they used to be. Long gone are the days when everything is done by humans, and paper is the only way of communication. Truth is, the digital economy is booming. Over the next coming years, you’ll most likely either be self-employed, making a living online, or running your own online business OR working for someone else who is running their business entirely or predominantly online. We are now entering the era of the ‘Internet of Things’ where almost anything can and will be connected online from waste bins in the streets that will notify the authorities when they need emptying, to wearable devices and smart clothing that will tell you when it’s best for you to eat and when you’re most productive.
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