The Soldiers of the Shadows

Annihilation Conquest By:
User: Lofn
The Soldiers of the Shadows

My life has been nothing but a living hell. I lost the people I love. The three fates made a prophecy that a day will soon come when the four seals will be broken and the four horseman will be freed. Only a few will be able to help me save this world from annihilation by my hand. Most of all will the one I fell in love with save me. Will everyone turn against me?

This Book is Part of a Series "The Unknown World "
All Books in this Series:
The Soldiers of the Shadows
Annihilation Conquest
Posts and Comments
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FYI, there's a rather offputting error in the Introduction. You say you were born on a certain date BC, and then said two year later, well two years later would be a smaller number BC. ;-) Can't comment on the book since I have not read it yet.

1 Comment


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Miss. Z

Hey I love your book so much. Please keep me updated will you. I love how you writing it and make it so interesting. I really hope that I can write it like that someday and sorry it has been long time seen I promised you to look at your book. Now I already look and read it. I am so into it. <3

Miss.Z Xoxo

1 Comment

it is okay.

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Deleted User

i just started and it seems really good!! XD but it is somewhat hard to read, i hope you get the chance to edit it.

1 Comment

dear friend I just added more to it

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well not really she from a different world for one. and on Planet Luau she's 20 years old

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Right now I only have one suggestion. The story would be much easier to read if you would get rid of at least two thirds of your "ands" They slow the story down. Oh, and did you realize your main character is 62 years old

Otherwise you have a good idea, and with a little editing It will make a great story.

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I love how the main character has my birth date, except I was born decades later :D
As for your story, the content is very good. I like that you have an introduction so that we would immediately be thrown into the drama of the story.
You might want to edit your story a bit though so that it would be easier to read. I really enjoy the details that you give, but you tend to be redundant at times. Take when you describe Nemesis as... Show more

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If Anyone has a guestion about my book please let me know

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aaagggggggggggg.........i knew it, it was going to be an awesome book. well done i love it keep writing and keep me updated^_^

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