Corpus CusyA Addition

Abstract Literature By:
User: M.d.S.
Corpus CusyA Addition

Voynich manuscript and Codex Rohonczi have been known for decades or even centuries as previously not decrypted books with unknown content.

The CusyA corpus is a collection of works in an unknown script and in an unknown language.
Due to the shapes of the glyphs, the script is called Cusy (cubic-symmetrical), the language CusyA, as a precautionary measure, should further documents with the same characters, but with other words, appear in the future.

In this collection, further extensive works in unknown script and in an unknown language are now being made available.
This is also being done in digital form.

This is a supplementary volume to Corpus CusyA in the sense of an extension to make further works available in this mysterious language.
It contains the works P, Q, R, S.
Works A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and Z can be found in the main volume.
Works I, J, K, L, M, N and O can be found in the supplementary volume.
The Analysis volume contains statistics in the sense of quantitative linguistics.


First Edition: 2023-12-01


This Book is Part of a Series "Korpus CusyA"
All Books in this Series:
Korpus CusyA
Abstrakte Literatur
Ergänzungsband Korpus CusyA
Abstrakte Literatur
Korpus CusyA Zusatz
Abstrakte Literatur
Korpus CusyA Analyse
Abstrakte Literatur
Corpus CusyA
Abstract Literature
Supplement Corpus CusyA
Abstract Literature
Corpus CusyA Addition
Abstract Literature
Corpus CusyA Analysis
Abstract Literature
Korpus CusyA Werk A
Abstrakte Literatur

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