Bad Omen

Tales of Octavia Book 1 By:
User: tophat
Bad Omen
Upon a battlefield, within a company of archers, one man searches for a way to escape his doom. Instead, he discovers the answers to a not so simple truth.

This Book is Part of a Series "Tales of Octavia"
All Books in this Series:
Bad Omen
Tales of Octavia Book 1
Unshed Tears
Tales of Octavia, Chapter II
Posts and Comments
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This is epic, keep it up
Anyway, I have an offer related to writing story and I'd like to talk about it.
If you are interested, you can reach me on insta: ods.apa or message me at leonandre880 (at) g m a i l (dot) com

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One word...... Quality! Everything about these short peices amazed me.

The detail and quality of writing had me lost on the battlefield along with poor Arementes.

I was more fortunate then some, as I had the luxury of being able to move straight on to 'Unshed Tears' only to find myself in the same boat as the rest of Kades readers, waiting for the next chapter. I cannot wait.

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Bluedragon. These are all the questions that you were supposed to ask, and that's good.

Patrick. Again, you do me too much honour, and i thank you for it. Your questions, too, are what i tried to achieve. I didn't even realise i had included all the senses till now. Cool.

Stevie. Unshed Tears is there, ready to read. I'm so glad you like it. I will unviel Octavia bit by bit in future chapters. There is still loads to find... Show more

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Oh, I hope you write more. The realistic qualities, the fear, the stench, her exquisite beauty... Kade, I shall be very mad at you if you leave us all hanging. :)

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I just had to reread this GREAT opening chapter before I moved on to the follow up. Again, I was knocked out by how you set up the Spartan-Athenian battle, the minute details as seen through the eyes of a bowman. The fear, the apprehension, the rain, the hope of living in order to marry and sire a family. It reminded me of some of the BEST historical fiction pieces I've read, although by the end you take it out of straight... Show more

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I waqs asking why he wanted to know about her so near death, but also how did he know she was from the future and what dikd it mean to him in that situation. Perhaps it will be revealed later. Evelyn

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V Maybe that will be revealed. Did have a couple of small picky bits, one was more of English than anything else and the other was describing her nose as 'cute'. This word stuck out like a sore thumb, as they say, but other than that, well done. Did you do a lot of research for this or was it just off the top of your head? Evelyn well written. I did wonder how Aramentes k ew she was from the future. Why did he have to know and then die?

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Thankyou so much for reading. I love writing historical fiction and it will continue soon.

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