Parting The Veil of Worlds

User: stormm
Parting The Veil of Worlds
A family of modern day witches make an important discovery in the woods during the Solstice.

This Book is Part of a Series "Tales of the Witch Clan"
All Books in this Series:
Parting The Veil of Worlds
"Pixie Dust!"
A True Faery Tale
Bad Bex
Demon's Debacle
Through The Rift (as told by Scotty)
Blood Moon Rising
Ninja Nights
Matriarchal Mayhem
Practical Witchery
druid, witch, matriarch, faery, Sundog
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Hi, ! I would like to invite you to join my platform. Can I DM you through your s0c1al M3d14, so I can explain it more in detail? Thank You

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A world with no hunger, no disease, no war, no misery. Humanity has conquered all those things, and has even conquered death. Now scythes are the only ones who can end life—and they are commanded to do so, in order to keep the size of the population under control.
Read this and you will be amazed:

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This story has the potential to be an amazing book! It ties in many common myths (and some truths :D) of the supernatural world into it and is one of the first stories in Bookrix that I've read so far that doesn't have any noticeable grammatical errors. Keep up the good work!!!

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I just found this site and would like to read "Parting...". Can someone give me directions on how to download to a Kindle? Is it possible. I clicked on the "other e readers"... mentioned Nook but not Kindle. There was an etc. at the end of the list. I'd like to read some of these books. Please help if you are able.

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Great Story ! Needs t be developed into full novel instead of short story.
However a few pages of the short story would not lod so it was somewhatdisconnected

1 Comment

I was planning on it being somewhere in the first couple chapters of what would be Book Four in my Witch Clan series. I'm still partway through Book Three now and my son is taking Blood Moon Rising and Ninja Nights and we're working those into Book Five. If I'm not careful, Book... Show more

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When I originally uploaded this book, it had to be formatted for only so many pages to qualify for a contest. Being old history and still a good story, I've added the appropriate pictures to this story to bring you even closer...

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Intelligently written and highly entertaining! The characters are totally believable and the storyline flows beautifully - this is a great read and I look forward to working my way through the series!

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So far I have only read this book & I think the writer has been able to convey that not all Witches are evil. I plan on reading all the other books in the series. I also look forward to more pages in this one.

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