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Plzzz. ︀Write ︀me! ︀I ︀m ︀waiting ︀for ︀you, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>>

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Miss. Z

Hey thank for add my book as your fav and it really mean a lot to me?

Xoxo Miss.Z
Love is Caring.

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Girls, put this on your profile. I bet NO guy can write a paragraph about you and send it to your inbox; One That you will NEVER forget. See who is the nicest guy(s) on Bookrix who will actually write a paragraph that stuns you. So let's see how many can, how full my inbox can get? Boys, this is a challenge for you.

12 Comments | Show Earlier Comments

Ya... I live in the country.. so... internet out here SUCKS


My computer is laggy as crap right now.


Ah.. My computer never lags.. but my internet... oy vei

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