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Hi. I was just in taking another one of my short stories off and came across you in my comments. I thought we were friends on facebook but cannot find you. Anyway, I was wondering how you were fairing - you had tremendous drive and I figured you were going to make it - whatever goal you would achieve. Thanks for being a friend - I am not on here very much at all, so if you're only in time out on facebook when you get back, stop and say hello.

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Hello everyone in the Bookrix community. I have added a little more to my children's book. And I am currently working on another book. I want to add more to it, before I get it put up. I am also thinking about writing another book, in the near future. Thank you to all those who have already read my books and continue to keep reading. I truly appreciate it.

*S* Cynthia

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A writer after my own heart. I always enjoy re-reading Desmond Bagely, Alistair McLean, Jeoffry Jenkins, Duncan Kyle. Oh if only we could write like the British Master. Ed

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Thank you for the friendship, wish you a beautiful day.

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CROSSROADS REVIEWS (Please check progress for Crossroads at

"Reminiscent of John Le Carre with a dash of Ian Flemming, Steven Nedelton's Crossroads plunges us deep into the complicated and not yet thawed Cold War mind-power experimentations and its dubious dark characters that once inhabited that volatile underworld. Written with an uncanny knack for plot and time-shifting, this 21st century thriller... Show more

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