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Plzzz. ︀Write ︀me! ︀I ︀m ︀waiting ︀for ︀you, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?-oy1b5e90a888025

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Hey I had to make another account. My other one wouldn't let me back on

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Hi there, How are you? I am would like to ask your opinion on a book I am currently writing, I have not got far with it yet, probably about a third of the way through it. I was wondering if you could critique it for me please. It is the first time I am writing for young adults and would love to get your view point. Oh and don't be worried to say what you think, things like that are important as they help to make the story... Show more

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Hello evryone!! i'm so excited right now bcause I just brought back my book "insecurities" YAY!!!! (sorry) I deleted it before because i felt lik i couldn't go any further with it. I hope you'll read it and enjoy it and give feedback. and even if you don't like it please give feedback because I want to know how i can improve the story so that you will like it. also to the people who read it last time please read it again cuzi... Show more

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So, Mathematics is a good subject... Interesting, huh?
Maybe... someday each of us will love it...

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A mathematics group, a good idea? huh?

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