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Books (16)
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It occurs to me that I have not used BookRix to my greatest advantage. One, I have not used it as a means of staying in touch with my fellow writers, nor have I taken advantage of the benefits of the 13 groups that I had joined.
As a reader, I have neglected to take advantage of the opportunity that BookRix offers to support my fellow Independent Authors.
I have resolved, as far as is possible to change all that.
When I read a... Show more

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Just updated MEDITATIONS. Finally came up with "Meditation 17." Now all I need is to come up with twelve more, and the book will be complete.

Meditations MEDITATIONS is a collection of poems that reflect my efforts to quiet my mind, and my search for inner peace. These poems are the results of thoughts that I observed, without getting involved. As m...
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Haven't exactly lived up to my New Year's resolution to be more disciplined and consistent in my approach to my writing. However, I did just update my book, MEDITATIONS with "Meditation 21." To see the book, and other works of mine, search Mitchell Isaac Friedman.

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My New Year Resolution--one of them--was to become more disciplined, and consistent, in my approach to my writing, and to complete REVELATIONS, MEDITATIONS, and WORD PICTURES (the last two are projects that I started after the publication of IDLE THOUGHTS). As yet, I have not kept to that resolution--as evidenced by my prolonged absence from BookRix. I hereby reaffirm that resolution, as of today.

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And so, IDLE THOUGHTS is finally, and completely done. Just checked the markets, and it is being sold on Amazon, Google Play, and Kobo Bookstore. Now I can go back and concentrate on my collection of short stories.

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This so frustrating. Still not right. Need more material to make a 2500 word limit. Considering including the short stories that I had written. Would require a complete overhaul. I am considering abandoning this project, and incorporating it into another one that I have been working on. Not sure yet.

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Published a collection of my poems, last night. I had to revise it before it would sell--not sure what I needed to change, but started with the cover art. I think the new one is better than the old.

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