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It is a good thing people cant read my thoughts or else i would be in a butt load of trouble!

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I danced from 9 AM to 630 PM. And then i came home and wanted to just sit down and just be lazy. The rest of my family went to a football game and probably just sat down the rest of the day. Then my dad called me lazy. I am more sore today than i have been for the past five months which is scary if you are in my dance class for our warm ups!

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So tonight I was driving are four wheeler and took out our fence into our neighbors yard. My neighbours aren't even home they are camping. I am ok, but the fence and the four wheeler aren't, the four wheeler has a crack in the front bumper and the light are bent. Then the fence is pretty much gone sssoooo............. I am not in trouble though for that I know of.

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has anyone else figured out the school has blocked BOOKRIX i mean why it is a place where you write books. I mean i dont i just talk with my friends

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can i just say i hate homework i have been doing since like 5 one class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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every hate home work

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Hey guys i am finally back i cannot come to school quite yet i should there tmrow See you then maybe!!!:)

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Hi friends I am in Canada. So how is school my "first day" I went swimming in montana my "second day" I took a shower under a waterfall it was freezing cold.

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I wish my first two days were like that. Lucky :)

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