Groups „world“

65 groups were found for the search term „world“.

Groups (65)

  • 6 Members
This group is designed for individuals who enjoys traveling the world and share ideas good or bad regarding their experience.
Gothic World
Gothic World
  • 1611 Members
I'm tired of just vampire groups, werwolves, witches, etc. We need to combine these wonderful creations into one happy family. Well that´s what we do best. Gothic World, a creation where all supernatural books are happily welcomed. All are welcomed, but please, I have one rule. Please be kind to other members. I f you disagree with something, by all means voice your opinion, but do so in an orderly fashion. Welcome to our Family!
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft
  • 5 Members
Alle World of Warcraft Fans sind willkomemn!
World of Rabbits/Bunnys
World of Rabbits/Bunnys
  • 2 Members
Also hier ist die Gruppe die ganz zum Buch "World of Rabbits" passt. Das Buch wurde von Sven Zanetti geschrieben und ich finde es toll. Wenn ihr das Buch auch mögt dann tretet doch bei.
This Corrupt World
This Corrupt World
  • 17 Members
Hey guys and girls. Does anybody but me think that this world has gotten crazy? I think it is so crazy how people get mad at someone and go bomb a marathon. Or they go shoot people at a parade. I don't think this is why God created Earth. In fact, I know it's not why he did. This world has gotten way out of control. I don't understand why people have to kill other people to get back at other people. It's so stupid. When you get mad at somebody, you should just talk it out with them like civilized people. It's inhumane to kill people just because you're mad at them. People really need to grow up and stop acting like children.
Your Own World Where You Create
Your Own World Where You Create
  • 52 Members
Writing is not just a boring thing you do in school. Its part of a person that lets you express yourself in so many ways..You can write poetry or create a fantasy world where all your nightmare creatures live. You can create a living hell or expand on all the beauties and love. Its a way that we writers can express ourselves weather its through pain or pleasure. Its amazing. It almost seems as if its another world we live in. Thats what this group is about and you can meet some new buddies who have the same interest in writing !
World Domination: Ideas, criticism, comments and Information
World Domination: Ideas, criticism, comments and Information
  • 17 Members
This group is all about the book series "World Domination". You can read the book and post comments, idea's, or criticism. You may also request what type of powers you would have if you were in this book! Give me a little information about yourself and I will determine which powers you would have and which club you would be in if you were among the teens in the second book. Clubs: Vampire Hours, Only The Dark, Shifters Life, and To The Sun. Vampire Hours: -Kazimir- Yori, Marvel, Trixa, Neon, Linus, Kendra, Phil, Nikon, Zenis, Xene. Only The Dark: -Matthew-, David, Gillian, Kate, Jacob, Stephanie, Cheeze, Teruko, Morez, Anxo, Anne. Shifters Life: -Halina- Gavin, Stepan, Boox, Wall-E, Elsy, Mikol, Maddy, Tatiana, Nina, Lola. To The Sun: -Gubs- Greta, Fiore, Vladimir, Abby, Kaylee, Linda, Neco, Kib, Baxe, Gubs jr. It would be great to get positive feedback on my book! You may also discuss the book.
Fantasy World
Fantasy World
  • 13 Members
Heaven for fans of Fantasy- Myth and Magic- and related topics.
  • 8 Members
Ihr mögt...nein ihr liebt RPGs? Dann seit ihr hier genau richtig. Egal ob jetzt 2er RPGs oder Mehrspieler-RPGs. Für jeden ist mit Sicherheit etwas dabei.^^ Nur keine Scheu und tretet ein in die Welt der RPG-Fantatiker~

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