Groups „wizard“

2 groups were found for the search term „wizard“.

Groups (2)

Magic and Abilities
Magic and Abilities
  • 8 Members
Have you always been kind of different? Have you noticed you can do things that are not normal for a human? Do you have abilities? Are you a witch or wizard? Do you want to be a witch or wizard? If you answered yes to any of those questions, this is the group for you. We talk about spells, abilities, celestial events, and even the supernatural. And the ability could be anything. This is the real deal. None of it is fake. You are welcome to join. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again. Blessed be.
  • 24 Members
This group is for all the beloved role players! It can be any type of Role Play. Heres the deal you have a main character that you use. Anything can happen before you start role playing create a little bio for It and explain your character. The character can be anything (EX) a wizard, human, anthro, wolf, magical creature, made up creature, dolphin, ANYTHING the only rule is HAVE FUN! my character is named Thea she can transform into a winged wolf and she has a amulet. at day she is a white winged wolf and her necklace is a sun and night she is black and her amulet is a moon at dawn and twilight she is grey and her amulet is a moon and sun. her human form is a 18 year old teenager and she has a enchanted sword and her left eye is gold and her right eye is crystal blue. ENJOY!
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