Groups „urban“

10 groups were found for the search term „urban“.

Groups (10)

Urban Fiction
Urban Fiction
  • 79 Members
Urban Fiction : is a literary genre set, as the name implies, in a city landscape, however, the genre is as much defined by the socio- economic realities and culture of it's characters as an urban setting. The tone for urban fiction is usually dark, focusing on the underside of the city living. Profanity, sex, and violence, are usually explicit, with the writer not shying away from or watering down the material. This group was created for all the urban authors who love to write urban/ street lit books or for people who love to read urban books. Anyone who have ever picked up a urban book knows that the book is going to be interesting and have many of twist and turns and can take you on a emotional roller coaster. Urban books contain drama, thugs, drugs,rape, abuse, cursing, sex, love, romance, thriller, jealousy, backstabbers, envy, fighting, gangs, shooting, robbery, etc. The books are mainly written by African Americans and are mainly fiction with fictional characters. This group can be used to talk with other urban authors to discuss topics, book covers, titles, new books that are released or updated. You can also ask for help from other authors pertaining to your books or poems. Feel free to leave your info. for Wattpad or any other book sites were your promoting your books. Follow me on Wattpad @bitesizebeauty & @dalishas2talented. Feel free to privately inbox me and I also do free book covers. The only thing I ask of you is a shout. Thanks for joining the group and enjoy chatting with friends.
Urban Fiction Group
Urban Fiction Group
  • 15 Members
This urban Fiction group allows writers of the urban fiction genre a place to read, write and review each others works. Feel free to get comfortable, introduce yourself and show us your writing skillz!!!!!
Urban Fantasy
Urban Fantasy
  • 15 Members
Contemporary/Urban Fantasy
Contemporary/Urban Fantasy
  • 8 Members
Die Contemporary Fantasy unterscheidet sich von der Historical Fantasy (historische Fantasy) nicht nur durch den Zeitbezug. Die zeitgenössische Fantasy umfasst maximal einen Zeitrahmen vom ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis heute. Der Schwerpunkt der meisten Romane liegt aber in einem modernen heutigen Setting, das oft dem städtischen Bereich mit seiner Schnelllebigkeit und seinen Konflikten entstammt. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die Historical Fantasy in einer lange vergangenen Zeit angesiedelt, in der den Mythen noch eine reale Bedeutung und Göttern und Magiern noch eine reale Macht zugeschrieben wird. In unserer Zeit ist diese Macht in der Darstellung der zeitgenössischen Fantasy im Schwinden begriffen und wird von den meisten Menschen kaum bemerkt. Helmut W. Pesch schreibt dazu: Diese Art Fantasy spielt in unserer Realität, in welcher die Magie einbricht – aber in einer Art und Weise, dass sie als damit vereinbar angesehen wird.[1] Gelegentlich verschmelzen reale und phantastische Welt aber nicht miteinander, sondern berühren sich nur, etwa wenn der Held durch magische Tore oder Rituale in eine Fantasywelt übertritt, wie in der Chronik von Thomas Covenant dem Zweifler von Stephen R. Donaldson oder in Michael Endes Unendlicher Geschichte. Diese Erzählungen und Romane, in denen eine phantastische Welt völlig eigenständig neben der Alltagswelt existiert, werden von manchen Literaturwissenschaftlern und Kritikern nicht der eigentlichen Contemporary Fantasy zugerechnet. Die moderne Welt bildet dabei nur den Ausgangspunkt einer Rahmenhandlung, in der der Held einer Geschichte in eine Fantasy-Welt mit eigenständigen Landschaften, Figuren und Regeln eintritt, die die Alltagswelt nicht beeinflussen. (Quelle: Wikipedia, siehe
Die Unperfekten
Die Unperfekten
  • 4 Members
Heroic Contemporary, Urban Steampunk, Animal Science, High Sword and Sorcery. Kunterbunter Kreativkrieg also. Kein RPG. Nur für Leander/Sofie/Jen/Kim.
John Silver
John Silver
  • 9 Members
Hier gibts News über meine Releases und laufenden Projekte. Ihr könnt Wünsche, Anregungen, Kritiken und alles was euch sonst so interessiert hinterlassen. Meine Genre: Erotic, Urban Fiction, Porn, Discgrace
Hood Love
Hood Love
  • 64 Members
For those that love urban fiction, or just looking at life from a different point of view and different perspective. All books are welcomed if they about expressing yourself and what you are about. You have to be true to yourself to be true to your writing..come see how are passionate about their hood because that's where your heart is at.
  • 18 Members
For all of those within the TWDG fandom RULES: -you may only have a max of one role -you may age your charcter how ever you like -if someone has the same role as you, do not worry, it will be alright -all members MUST have at least one role -the more ships the better -once you join please fill out the form posted as "important" -NO HATE -NO SUPER POWERS (other than kennys godly stache and lees urban powers Cx) -HAVE FUNNN!!!
Savage Hood Love Pack
Savage Hood Love Pack
  • 6 Members
Love a good urban book? Wattpad blocked at your school? Like thug books? Then this group is for you!! Welcome to Savage Hood Love Pack, where you can get to know people who like the same books as you. Any fights and arguments are acceptable because we like you to be open. If you have a new book coming out, become sponsored. Get your book out there! For instance, my new book She Got Me will be available soon. Inspired by August Alsina, Bryson Tiller, SmartistaBeauty, Wattpad, and the people who run Blood Moon River Crest Pack. They wanted me out because I asked a question y'all. Wtf!! Lol. Come join us and our discussions.
Sci-Fi Short Story Contest!
Sci-Fi Short Story Contest!
  • 29 Members is on the hunt for fresh meat in the form of sci-fi short stories. This is one of their biggest entertainment projects ever and ANYONE can enter! 1st Place – The 1st place winner will be a part of an international online writing project 2nd Place - $75 Amazon gift card 3rd Place - $75 Amazon gift card -Your story MUST: 1. be between 600-1000 words in length 2. be set in the year 2020 3. have a harsh, uncompromising future 4. be located in an urban/city environment 5. contain robots 6. NOT contain non-human creatures/aliens (robots are the exception) How to enter: Link your completed short story in the contest entry thread by September 1, 2013. Judging and Prizes: An independent jury will determine the 3 winners. The .de side of BookRix is also taking part in this contest in a separate entry thread therefore, only 3 winners will be chosen between the English and German communities of BookRix. If you have any questions regarding this contest, please contact member, lila2,
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