Groups „trouble“

5 groups were found for the search term „trouble“.

Groups (5)

Trouble Writing
Trouble Writing
  • 8 Members
If your having trouble writing and just wanna talk about why or what your having troubles writing.
The west Indian west Indian writers, artists and other interesting people .
The west Indian west Indian writers, artists and other interesting people .
  • 5 Members
Open to all people but you may have trouble understanding a few words as all dialects are welcome. Feel free to practice the accents of your ancestors, friends and co workers . Welcome aboard....
Gimme a push!
Gimme a push!
  • 8 Members
This group is designed for those of us who love to write but have trouble starting. You don't have to share your most brilliant ideas, just give us a sentence or even a single word that could inspire a story. Every little bit helps!
Help when you need it ....... the most
Help when you need it ....... the most
  • 9 Members
If you have ever had trouble and no-one was there to help you. If problems are weighing on your mind and you can not hold it, this group is the right group for you. We can all help each other to solve our problems. Cause everyone needs a friend.
Drama Doctor's
Drama Doctor's
  • 18 Members
What is Drama? People having arguments about pointless things What is a doctor? Someone who helps you I know I know not a creative name. In this group are a group of people who help you fix your drama. Some people are just tired of all the trouble other people cause. This is how it works. You PM the Admin ( Admin's name in Subject ) and then tell them your problem. If it's an easy problem one of the Admin's will fix it by him/herself. If not then they will tell everyone part of this group and we shall all try to sort it. Bookrix is a place for books but for the past couple of months it hasn't been the place most people WANT to log on to. So this will help. *** If you want to join Drama Doctor's please tell one of the Admin's so that they can see if your capable. We won't let you join if your one of the main people who cause Drama's
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