Groups „suicide“

12 groups were found for the search term „suicide“.

Groups (12)

Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
  • 27 Members
SUiCIDE SQUAD! Join if you love (❤) the Suicide Squad. ^_^
suicide?       or
suicide? or
  • 3 Members
to the people thinking suicide and no longer wanna be in this world " if I were you id put that away see your just wasted and thinking about the past darling you'll be ok" rules talk about your feelings no fighting no hate and carry on with life please
Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention
  • 20 Members
As Steinbeck once said "All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal" well, depression is a war, it may not seem like it to those that have never dealt with it, but for those who struggle with it understand that depression is war, everyday becomes a struggle, it becomes hard to work up the strength to get out of bed everyday, things you used to enjoy don't interest you anymore, you mind becomes a battle field. Suicide is most often caused by depression, most people that struggle with it often times don't reach out for help, but that is exactly what I need for you to do, join this group, reach out for help, don't deal with this alone. We all love you and none of your problems would ever be shared among other non group members!!
suicide?       or        music   ?
suicide? or music ?"
  • 24 Members
to the people thinking suicide and no longer wanna be in this world if I were you id put that away see your just wasted and thinking about the past darling you;ll be ok rules talk about your feelings no fighting no hate and carry on with life please ps youll be ok
Suicide Support Group (SSG)
Suicide Support Group (SSG)
  • 17 Members
This is NOT just a group for the suicidal. It is for the depressed, angry, self desructive people who need smme one to turn to. I have been through alot. I may be able to help you. not trying to get i nvolved if you don't want me to, I promise.
Tell me you're worth it
Tell me you're worth it
  • 102 Members
Suicide needs to stop even if you have the thoughts, they need to stop. I hate it when other people feel the same way as me. Join the group and express how you feel and you may get help.
Blood On The Dance Floor Fans!
Blood On The Dance Floor Fans! <3
  • 23 Members
This group is for people who are against racism, bullying, and want to help end it all. Blood On The Dance Floor is all for ending suicide and self harm so I thought it would be a good idea to start a group about them and maybe their music but mostly their goal in their music career.
people who need help
people who need help
  • 14 Members
for suicide people we can help or if you have no friends or just have advise we will take you in not as friends but as family. as we also pray for people and sometimes might even learn about god and his blessings.
  • 23 Members
This is for the depressing shits like me who hates their life and needs fucking help. For the people who feel like they are drowning in the oceans of Depression, the people who have contemplated suicide so many times- this is for you. Join me in fucking hating society -Seasons So there you go! This is a group for depressing shits. Join us in the sorrows of the hell we call the world. -Skylar
  • 3 Members
Dear Bullies, You see that 15 year old girl holding hands with her one year old son you called a slut? She was raped at 13. You see that boy crying you made fun of for being a cry baby? His best friend committed suicide last night. You see that girl that you made fun of for having all those bruises? She is abused by her parents. You see that bald woman you made fun of? She is dying of breast cancer. You see that old man you called ugly? He had a serious injury on his face in the war. You see that man you make fun of for having all those burns? He ran into a burning hospital to save his dead daughter. You see that girl you called fat? She is starving herself. You see that boy you called stupid? He has down syndrome. Like this status and re-post if you are against bullying. I bet half of you won't re-post this As you see we all go through tough, times. D. T. B, stands for Destroy The Bullies. We are not going to go off and psychical hurt them, but we will go and "destroy" the bullies.... (Hey first group give meh some credit lol XD)

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