All Search Results „success“

1411 search results were found for the search term „success“.

Books (1397)


success in life

  • Self-Help
  • English
  • 2 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 10877
  • 140
What Is Success? Success is about getting all that you wanted to have. It's finding that you have achieved [more]

Keywords: free ebook for success

For Free

berndjobsteberhard SUCCESS
  • Short Story
  • German
  • 16 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 589
  • 1
When someone asks: " What is success?" Say round about:" If you get, what you want.".

For Free

Tejas D'souza Success

Art of Winning

  • Self-Help
  • English
  • 21742 Words
  • Ages 6 and up
  • 65
  • 0
Success” The Art of winning book reflects the success of the young Indian team under the captaincy of [more]

Keywords: Self-imrovement, Goal, Desire, Faith, Limitless, Happiness


RTI Success Stories in India
Asha Kanta Sharma RTI Success Stories in India

A look to Funny & Serious RTI Success Stories in India

  • Humor
  • English
  • 9246 Words
  • Ages 18 and up
  • 0
  • 0
The book lists out a number of the funny in addition to serious success testimonies by the use [more]

Keywords: RTI, India, Success, Corruption


20 Secrets To Dieting Success
Noah Daniels 20 Secrets To Dieting Success

Learn The TOP 20 Secrets To Dieting Success And Keep The Weight Off Forever!

  • Self-Help
  • English
  • 3949 Words
  • Ages 6 and up
  • 156
  • 0
It is a widely recognized and acknowledged fact that the population of most developed Western countries is getting [more]

Keywords: overweight, obese, Weight, dieting, start living, Dieting Success


Users (9)

  • English
  • English
  • English
success helper
success helper
  • English
Success Tech
Success Tech
  • English

Groups (3)

The Affiliate Marketer Defined
The Affiliate Marketer Defined
  • 3 Members
This Group Discussions should be aimed at Affiliate Marketing methods and tactics, with the occasional spice of humor and expertise. Good writing is the core to content creation, and the key to success as an Affiliate Marketer so Please share your writing skills and styles. Please do NOT share any Affiliate Links because not only is that Unprofessional, but also annoying.
Progressive Writers
Progressive Writers
  • 6 Members
This group is for aspiring writers who understand there is no way to write a story other than your way. There are no formulas to guarantee success. Literature is the least progressive of the arts. 20 years ago: if you wrote a story broadly based on Cinderella but in the finale she left the prince at the alter, saying. "I'm very fond of you but I think your sister, the princess, is way hotter than you. . . and could I get her number?" There's no chance your story would have been mainstream published. This group is about techniques that need to be explored and stories that need to be told. Novel writers are not part of the service industry, telling readers the stories they like to hear, the way they want to hear them.
Hydraulic hose fiittings
Hydraulic hose fiittings
  • 1 Member
I want to take a moment to give everyone an update regarding our website and our newsletter called the Hydraulic Connection. This newsletter was a huge hit over the years with our customers, suppliers and even the family and friends of our subscribers. Sent out on a quarterly basis, it is our opportunity to connect with our customers, sharing exciting new developments, new product, sales and special events. This newsletter also allowed us to have fun with our customers through a wide variety of contests and other activities such as giveaways, special events and even collectible Christmas Edition Newsletters with sections in it for the whole family! Many of you may remember our famous "Bosch Pen Contest" or beloved "Bosch Pet Contests". Perhaps you remember the "Name our Hydraulic Character Contest" in which a hydraulic character was made completely out of parts we had in shop. The winning name which was submitted by one of our customers, was Nickolas Gauge! Our contests have always been a tremendous success and we love seeing how creative and competitive our fantastic customers are. Our 20th Anniversary event was also a huge success! While it was the first car show we ever did, we still get requests for a repeat! This past year, as the company continued to grow, it became apparent that we needed to revamp our website. This meant our newsletter and contests would be have to be halted while we focused on developing a website that better met the needs of our customers. As you can see, our new website is currently under construction and it is growing fast! => <a href="">Hydraulic Hose</a> | <a href="">Metric Adapters</a> | <a href="">Hydraulic hose fittings</a>
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FAQs (1)

Marketing your eBook
Marketing your eBook

We understand that getting your book published is the first step. The second is getting people to read it. Luckily our community is designed to give authors a built-in audience. Being a BookRix member allows you to make new contacts and connections that provide you with valuable feedback on your work. Our community is unique because we offer objective feedback, which can be difficult to obtain from close friends and family.

Most writers would rather not rely on others to be successful.  With that in mind, we encourage our authors to use the Self Publishing Services offered at BookRix. Below are some practical marketing tips that can help aspiring authors gain readers and aid in the success of their eBook sales.

For more information on each section, please review our complete Marketing Guide.

The Basics

Necessities for a successful eBook:

- A tasteful, high quality cover that will grab the reader’s attention

- A catchy or unique title

- Proper and careful editing

- A fair price set to sell

- A descriptive and well written book blurb/synopsis that will entice the reader

On BookRix

Getting the most from our BookRix community

- Maintain an active presence in the BookRix community by participating in group discussion and writing contests. Engage with users by leaving quality reviews and feedback on their work.Personalize your profile to showcase who you are as a writer

- Personalize your profile to showcase who you are as a writer

- Maintain contact with your readers and community members by answering their questions, responding to comments and messages.

Everywhere else

Promoting yourself outside of BookRix

- Network with other bloggers within the blogging community. Send out ePub files of your book to interested bloggers so they can review it on their blog

- Organize a blog tour – Have your book visit as many blogs as possible in one month to maximize your visibility.

- Create a YouTube account for your author profile. Organize book trailers, live readings and answer fan questions on your videos.

**For more detailed information, please check out our full length Marketing Guide.

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