Groups „sister“

6 groups were found for the search term „sister“.

Groups (6)

Lachflash & Story
Lachflash & Story
  • 3 Members
Vorschläge für Fortsetzungen von dem Buch ,,His Little Sister"
The Allie's crew
The Allie's crew
  • 7 Members
:3 I know its a funy name but me and my sister Lucille came up with the title, if you dont like it just let me know :)
become good writers
become good writers
  • 20 Members
here you can learn to become a better writer and you can learn to write mysterious stories. i used to be a crap writer but now im much better.anyone can join.dingolover who is my sister writes the jessy baird stories so i have picked up a few things from her so if you want to join just join.
Calling all Mormons!
Calling all Mormons!
  • 38 Members
To all Mormons out there! My sister gave me an idea today to start a Calling all Mormons group. Here we would talk about questions we get, questions we have, our thoughts on the gospel, etc etc! If you aren't a Mormon then you are still welcome to come ask questions and listen/read answers from other Mormons!
Role Play: The Kissing Games
Role Play: The Kissing Games
  • 10 Members
This is a role play group called: the kissing games. its about a girl named Bella who is in love with a boy named Troy but what happens when he kisses her and then runs? open roe play any charecters welcome just stay withen the storylines one best friend i play bella one crush one sister one bro stuff liike that this has no limit to how your charecters act some people may not want to read for 18+ matirial not all will be though.
Progressive Writers
Progressive Writers
  • 6 Members
This group is for aspiring writers who understand there is no way to write a story other than your way. There are no formulas to guarantee success. Literature is the least progressive of the arts. 20 years ago: if you wrote a story broadly based on Cinderella but in the finale she left the prince at the alter, saying. "I'm very fond of you but I think your sister, the princess, is way hotter than you. . . and could I get her number?" There's no chance your story would have been mainstream published. This group is about techniques that need to be explored and stories that need to be told. Novel writers are not part of the service industry, telling readers the stories they like to hear, the way they want to hear them.
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