All Search Results „self-publishing“

186 search results were found for the search term „self-publishing“.

Books (156)

Hörbuch und Self-Publishing
Peter Eckhart Reichel Hörbuch und Self-Publishing

Selbstverleger als Hörbuchproduzenten

  • Self-Help
  • German
  • 28988 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 1331
  • 1
Ein Hörbuch zu veröffentlichen erweitert den Kreis Ihrer Leserinnen und Leser und erschließt neue Absatzmärkte. Immer mehr Verlage [more]

Keywords: Hörbuch, Hörspiel, Hörbuchproduktion, Audiobook, Sprachaufnahme, Sprachaufnahmen, E-Books, Studioaufnahmen, Selbstverlag, Selbstverleger, Sprecher, Self-Publisher, Selfpublishing, Selfpublisher, Self-publishing, E-Book, Bestseller, eBooks


Mandy & Chantal: Self-Publishing ist toll! (Satire)
Pat McCraw Mandy & Chantal: Self-Publishing ist toll! (Satire)
  • Humor
  • German
  • 4254 Words
  • Ages 12 and up
  • 764
  • 17
Mandy und Chantal wohnen in Bottrop, und sind Mädels von nebenan. Mandy: 28 Jahre, verheiratet mit Karl, arbeitssuchende Hausfrau, [more]

Keywords: Mandy & Chantal, self-publishing, Satire, Humor, Buchmarkt, Pat McCraw

For Free

Self-Publishing Marketing Guide for all Indie Authors
BookRix .com Self-Publishing Marketing Guide for all Indie Authors
  • Education
  • English
  • 7259 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 3915
  • 54
Most authors don't want to rely on others, so take the chance of success into your own hands [more]

For Free

Der Leser als Gatekeeper
Johannes Conrady, BookRix Team Der Leser als Gatekeeper

Autorenvorschüsse im Self-Publishing als nächster Schritt zum Verlag der Zukunft

  • Self-Help
  • German
  • 1445 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 1297
  • 20
Self-Publishing-Anbieter BookRix präsentiert mit BookRix Selected ein neues Programm, in dessen Rahmen klassische Verlagsvorschüsse an ausgewählte Self-Publishing-Autoren ausgezahlt [more]

Keywords: Self-Publishing, Markt, Vorschüsse, Autoren, Verlagsvorschuss, Buchmarkt, Self-Publishing vs. Klassischer Verlag, Zukunft, Self-Publishing-Anbieter

For Free

How To Format Your eBook
BookRix Team How To Format Your eBook

BookRix ePub Guide

  • Education
  • English
  • 5877 Words
  • No Age Recommendation
  • 6719
  • 84
The BookRix FREE self-publishing service offers you the opportunity to sell your eBooks in the major online stores. [more]

Keywords: Create eBook, Style Guide, Create ePub, ePub, Self-Publishing, Indie Author, BookRix, eBooks

For Free

Groups (2)

BookRix FREE Self Publishing Service
BookRix FREE Self Publishing Service
  • 172 Members
BookRix is a platform where you can sell your work as an eBook and distribute it around the world. This is a group where you can feel free to ask questions and get support with our service. Don't be shy. Feel free to ask us anything.
Werbepartner: suchen und finden
Werbepartner: suchen und finden
  • 3 Members
Wer ein Buch verkaufen möchte muss mehr Werbung betreiben, als es nur den Verwanden, Bekannten und Freunden zu erzählen. Für Autoren im Self Publishing Vertrieb eine Kosten- und Zeitintensive Angelegenheit. Warum diese Kosten und den Aufwand nicht teilen und so mehr Leser in Deutschland erreichen. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Hand: Wer in Emden ansässig ist wird nicht so schnell nach Görlitz kommen um dort eine Leserschaft zu erreichen. Nicht jeder hat auch aktive Brieffreunde in Regensburg, die das für einen unternehmen. Schon kann der Autor von so einer Partnerschaft profitieren. Social Media soll hier ausgeklammert werden. Es geht um Offline Werbung! Wie diese Art von Werbung aussehen soll ist Euch überlassen. Entweder gestaltet Ihr gemeinsame Leseproben oder Flyer und verteilt sie so in Euren Gemeinden oder ihr tauscht Eure schon vorhandenen Werbematerialien aus. Zum Schluss noch mal gesagt: Diese Gruppe ist für Offline Werbung, bitte daher keine Werbung von Euren Werken hier platzieren
No Additional Results

FAQs (12)

About our Self-Publishing Service
About our Self-Publishing Service

Our self publishing services make it easy to turn your book into an ePub file on our site and sell it to the world at no cost. Here are some details worth noting:

- The author contract between yourself and BookRix is clear, easy to understand and can be cancelled at any time

- You receive a minimum of 70% in revenue, from what BookRix earns, on each book that you sell

- An ISBN* is automatically generated for each eBook you submit for publication

- You determine the price or your eBook

- Your eBook will be distributed to major online eBook retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iTunes, Google Play, and many more, with just one click of a button

- Royalties are paid out every month when the minimum of 10 Euros/approximately $14 US dollars, has been reached

- You can change, edit and add to your book even after it has been placed for sale.

*an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique number assigned to a book title by its publisher for tracking and ordering purposes

Do I have to have a PayPal account in order to sell books on BookRix?
Do I have to have a PayPal account in order to sell books on BookRix?

Yes, you must have a PayPal  account in order to use the self-publishing service on BookRix.  If you do not have a PayPal, you must create one prior to using our self-publishing service to sell a book and receive royalties.

Can I sell a book via BookRix if I already have it for sale with another publishing company?
Can I sell a book via BookRix if I already have it for sale with another publishing company?

Technically speaking, No. Writers cannot publish an identical book with more than one publisher. THe author must make a change to the book to justify a new ISBN being issued and identify the book as a “New edition”. Once this change has been made, the writer can upload and sell their book via BookRix Self-Publishing services.

Where do I go if I have questions about selling or buying a book on BookRix?
Where do I go if I have questions about selling or buying a book on BookRix?

If you have questions about our eBook self-publishing service, please send an email to our eBook support at and we’d be happy to help you out as soon as we can.

Getting Started
Getting Started

First we’d like to congratulate you on writing your book! We understand the hard work involved and would like to commend you on a job well done. Now that you’re ready to move forward, we can guide you through our self publishing process that allows you to sell and distribute your work across the eBook market. Our services are free and simple to use.

Let’s get started!

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