Groups „schools“

2 groups were found for the search term „schools“.

Groups (2)

OLPC / Ondalivre
OLPC / Ondalivre
  • 4 Members
Das Buchregal rund ums Thema «Internet fuer Schulen in Entwicklungslaendern» | The bookshelf all around the topic «Internet for Schools in Developing Countries» | A estante de livros em todo o tema «Ligar escolas em países subdesenvolvidos e em vias de desenvolvimento à internet»
Beacon Academy
Beacon Academy
  • 18 Members
Students with the aspiration to become Hunters, whose duty is to keep the peace within the world, strive to attend Beacon. In order to be accepted into Beacon, students must go to special schools in order to be trained in combat (like Signal Academy) or be invited to the school after showing exceptional skill. Once being accepted into Beacon, new students have to go through an initiation, where they will be placed into teams after its completion. The curriculum also appears to be rigorous and dangerous, as there is the possibility of death even during initiation. ( RWBY )
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