Groups „public“

5 groups were found for the search term „public“.

Groups (5)

The Book Club (Public.)
The Book Club (Public.)
  • 174 Members
This group will evolve over time. But at the time of writing this 4/8/2015 its intended goal is to bring writers together, encourage writing well, provide tips for writing, and potentially hold contests. These are all of the things I originally saw this site aiming to do, but I feel bookrix has been moving farther and farther away from being a writer's website. Feel free to join the group if you are an avid writer, reader, or wish to become one. Welcome to the group.
  • 9 Members
WASSUP? This is a public group where you can wish Rebecca Mathers Happy Birthday.... That's pretty much it actually. Hehehe ANYWAYZ WISH MY BESTIE A HAPPY B-DAY
The dreamers Believe
The dreamers Believe
  • 15 Members
You post inspirational things not crap important messages and life, love and dreams make this like a private/public diary tell me how u feel and your wants and desires
The Writers Radio Station
The Writers Radio Station
  • 130 Members
This group shall be source of inspiring music. It should contain collections of links to YouTube playlists and videos or public cloud files. It's meant to be a source for relaxation and to give impulses, as an aid for writing when you stuck. Naturally you may also listen when you are in the flow. Tell us what you are listening to when you are writing!
The Commenters-Book Project Group-
The Commenters-Book Project Group-
  • 35 Members
This group is for the biggest collaboration project that I am making. The Idea is simple, although I think no one has ever don’t this before and this is how it goes, it’s a public book, it’s based on making comments publicly, I got this idea from my old work that I made here months ago (prank book) ...this book will have 6 or 8 chapters. The prossess is like this, I’ll post a topic and others will carry on with their thoughts and experience and I’ll be in them to talking to them about on that topic, that’s. I’ll choose a subject and others will share their thoughts about it, it’s really fun, please join, and remember, whatever you share will be in the posted in this book, please join ^.^ Rules are simple, you will not post anything that you'll delete it later, you will not change the topic while commenting on the topic that I chose. Hide Text
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