FAQ of

Es wurden 63 FAQs für den Suchbegriff „of“ gefunden.

FAQs (63)

How do I stop the sale of my book?
How do I stop the sale of my book?

To stop the sale of your book and remove the book from the shops, yuo must go to "My Books" and click on the tool icon for the book that you want to remove. Click on "Stop Sales". Your book could take about 4-8 weeks to be removed completely from the external market. After 14 days, your book will go back to an "In Progress" mode and you can then make chages to the book or delete it from the site.

I noticed that the price of my book is different on some of the outside markets from the price that I set through BookRix. Why is this?
I noticed that the price of my book is different on some of the outside markets from the price that I set through BookRix. Why is this?

The price difference could be the Value Added Tax (VAT) but some of the other markets have the ability to change the price of your book. Don't be alarmed. The set margin of your book, established through BookRix, will still be the same.

Can I sell a single book from an anthology or part of a book?
Can I sell a single book from an anthology or part of a book?

You can sell anything you wish. Poems, a short story, pieces of an anthology, anything you want to sell. This is up to you, however keep in mind there is a 2000 word minimum required for ebook publication.

Can I upload a smaller part of my book as a sample?
Can I upload a smaller part of my book as a sample?

You sure can. You can divide your longer story and publish it as a series. You can then link a series of books together so readers can easily go from one to the next via links on the book’s page. We almost make it fool proof. Otherwise, you can simply publish a smaller portion of your book as a sample for readers. You might even develop a dedicated fan club by releasing your story or stories in segments on BookRix. Who wouldn’t want a fan club?

Can I change the price of my book after I have put it up for sale?
Can I change the price of my book after I have put it up for sale?

Yes! Log into your BookRix profile and click on your username in the upper right hand side of the BookRix web page. Select ‘My Books’ from the drop down menu and select the book you want to make changes to from this list. Once you have the book pulled up, click ‘Edit Book’. A pop-up window will appear. Follow the instructions and click ‘Request’. Your book will be placed in "revise" mode by the end of the following business day. An email confirmation will be sent once your books is ready for changes. When you have been notified that your book is in "revise" mode, simply follow the steps for selling your book in all shops. You will then be asked to set the price of your book. Once you have selected the new price, simply resubmit it for sale. BookRix will review your changes and forward the newest version of your ebook price to our online shops.

Please note that it may take a few days for the new price to be reflected in our online shops.

If I cite the source of the material that I’m using, is that enough to protect me from copyright infringement?
If I cite the source of the material that I’m using, is that enough to protect me from copyright infringement?

Sorry to say, no. A written reference will not protect you in a court of law against a copyright case. You have to obtain written permission.

I saw that I earned money with my sold book(s) but why does the amount of money I earned display €0.00 now?
I saw that I earned money with my sold book(s) but why does the amount of money I earned display €0.00 now?

Don’t worry. Your monthly earnings can be located in the “Sales and Payments” report section. Towards the middle/end of each month your royalty payout will be displayed in a PDF document under your “Sales and Payments” report. When this occurs, your next earning period begins and the display will read €0.00. The total amount of books sold will always be visible, unless you delete a previously sold book from the site.

Does BookRix have the exclusive publishing rights of the books?
Does BookRix have the exclusive publishing rights of the books?

BookRix does not and will never own the exclusive rights to your content. By publishing your book on BookRix.com, you only give us the right to show your work on our website and through our partner channels. Once you remove the book we can no longer use it, which would be sad but we’ll get over it.

If you delete your content (sniff, sniff), we no longer have the right to display your work. However, you may not upload your book using the BookRix format to other websites since BookRix owns the proprietary rights to the book format technology. That’s how we roll in these parts.

If I register on BookRix, I must agree to the use of my personal data. Will it be transferred to a third party?
If I register on BookRix, I must agree to the use of my personal data. Will it be transferred to a third party?

No, we don't transfer your personal data to third parties. However, in the rare legal case when there is a legal procedure regarding your manuscripts, we may be obligated to release personal information to the legal authorities.

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